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Spiritual Fitness Camp - FAQ

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1 Spiritual Fitness Camp - FAQ

2 What are Spiritual Fitness Camps?
Missionary led Tarbiyyat focused 3-day camp for youth ages 7-18 (both boys and girls) Conducted at local level, once per year (typically during summer vacations) Missionary leads pre-defined program with local help

3 SF Camps vs Tahir Academy
Runs throughout the year, typically 2/month Typically ~4 hours per class Atfal and Nasirat (<15 yrs, multiple groups) Academic syllabus Led by local principal and teachers Once a year 3 day program, Fri-Sun All youth 7-18 (in two groups) More hands on: focuses on demonstrating knowledge, creating presentations, applying knowledge Led by Missionary with help from local team

4 What do I need to do now? Finalize dates for your local Jamaat and put it on Local Calendar Get Friday-Sunday weekend with help of General Secretary and President Make sure to align with Lajna and Khuddam as well Inform National Tarbiyyat Dept. of dates. Work with regional Missionary to travel to your Jamaat for the camp Strongly encouraged to combine with other nearby Jamaats, but should not be too far away If combining work with the other participating Jamaats on dates and logistics Visit SF Camp website to get more information

5 When camp is near (~ 1 month)
Submit SF Camp budget to National Tarbiyyat department for approval Use form on web site SF Camps are financed directly by National Tarbiyyat Department and not from local funds Communicate with Jamaat, especially parents Form the SF Camp team. Coordination with Lajna is extremely important! Print and put up SF Camp flyer on Men and Lajna sides Download camp schedule and modify for local Salat timings. Review with assigned missionary, President, Sadr. Lajna, Qaid MKA and distribute to the Jamaat Start student registration process Assign volunteer teacher duties

6 SF Camp Team Local SF Camp Principal (may or may not be the local Tarbiyyat Sec.) Assigned Missionary Lajna camp coordinator Local volunteer teachers (work with assigned missionary to identify how many are needed for which tasks) Since Friday is a working day, it will require extra effort to find volunteers Registration, ziafat, clean up, mosque security teams Logistics (supplies, PCs, needed books, camera to relay proceedings to Lajna side) Budget and Expense coordinator (very important for timely reimbursements) If possible to have one Doctor on hand as one of the volunteers during sports, that can be very handy. Otherwise at least a First Aid kit should be available)

7 During Camp SF Camp Web Site has guidelines, materials, schedules, best practices. Don’t forget to review and understand Attendance and Discipline Be diligent with expenses and keeping records for reimbursements without delays Strive to make camp smooth, useful and fun

8 After Camp Make sure ALL students do the camp survey
To achieve full reimbursement, >80% attendees must complete the survey

9 FAQs What is the target age group for this camp?
The camp is open to Ahmadi Muslim youth. The junior camps are open to those ages 7- 12; senior camps are aimed at youth ages Is this a boys-only camp, or girls can also attend? The camp should be open to both boys and girls. If girls are to be included, please make sure that Islamic traditions are meticulously followed, that girls receive equal opportunities, and that the local Lajna Sadr is involved in the decision-making process. Why can't we develop our own program? No changes to the program should be made as a lot of work, consultation, and best practices have gone into developing this program and it adequately addresses the challenges our youth face.

10 FAQs What if we want to hold a weeklong Spiritual Fitness Camp?
The consensus from previous years’ participants is that 3-day weekend program is more focused and objective oriented. Therefore, all the plans have been made accordingly. Should we use the same program for a 12-year-old and an 18-year-old participant? Use the provided "junior" program for the 7-12 year age group and the "senior" program for the age group. Will we get any funding from the National Tarbiyat department? Yes. If you submit a detailed, line item budget, and don't have enough local funds to cover the cost, we will do our best to help you. We anticipate the cost of the camp to be around $10/per day/per participant.

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