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Organic Chemistry Review Questions

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1 Organic Chemistry Review Questions

2 These speed up the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy.

3 Enzymes

4 The specific location on an enzyme where a substrate fits.

5 An Active site

6 This occurs when an enzyme and substrate bind.

7 Induced fit Hand-in-Glove Model

8 These are how enzymes are named.

9 All end in -ase. According the the substrate
*All end in -ase * According the the substrate * According to the reaction they catalyzed

10 What conditions are enzymes specific too?

11 A specific pH, a specific temperature. And the substrate

12 Enzymes can unfold due to several conditions
Enzymes can unfold due to several conditions. What is this “unfolding” called?

13 Denaturation

14 What happens to an enzyme if the temperature is too low?

15 Slows down

16 The enzyme used in the lab?

17 Catalase

18 Where is catalase found in nature?

19 In all cells!

20 This is when excess synthesis of the product of an enzyme catalized reaction is shut off by the product itself.

21 Feedback Inhibition

22 The structure of an enzyme.

23 Enzymes are Quaternary proteins.

24 What does the amount of potassium permanganate corresond too?

25 The amount of Hydrogen peroxide left after the reaction.

26 How do you deterimine rate of a reaction?

27 The slope of the linear part of the graph of product formation over time.

28 What are the products of the catalyzed breakdown of Hydrogen peroxide?

29 Water and Oxygen

30 The chemical bond shown forms polymers of what monomer?
O H - C - N-

31 Amino acids

32 The exoskeleton of arthropods are made of this polysaccharide.

33 Chitin

34 All polysaccharides are polymers of this.

35 Glucose

36 The type of reaction where monomers become complex molecules.

37 Dehydration Synthesis or Condensation reactions

38 This polysaccharide functions as energy storage in animals and where is it stored?

39 Glycogen is stored in the liver

40 The bonds that hold monosaccharide together to form di- or polysaccharides.

41 Glycosidic bonds

42 The phenomenon of light being produced form the breaking of sugar bonds

43 Bioluminescence

44 The organic molecule(s) that contain O, H, C, and always Nitrogen

45 Nucleic acids and Amino acids

46 Lipids are called this because they have a both polar and nonpolar end

47 Amphipathic

48 This biomolecule has the basic unit if glycerol

49 Lipids

50 Have a very long carbon chain construction

51 Saturated lipid

52 The functional groups all carbohydrates contain

53 Aldehyde and alchohol

54 The functional groups on lipids

55 Methyl and carboxyl

56 The repeating units of all nucleotides

57 Sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base

58 DNA has this sugar and RNA has this one

59 DNA: deoxyribose RNA: ribose

60 A nucleic acid that is single stranded at all times

61 RNA

62 The bases of RNA and the bases of DNA

63 RNA: A,C,G U DNA:A, C , G T

64 A saturated lipid is “filled”with this

65 Hydrogen

66 Lipids in the human body store as what structure

67 Saturated triglycerides

68 The formula for all lipids


70 This is why lipids contain more energy than other organic molecules

71 Van der Waals forces

72 The polysaccharide that is energy storage in plants

73 Starch


75 Functional groups seen here and what type of molecule?

76 Phosphate, alcohol, amino This is ATP (Adenosine tri phos)

77 What type of molecule?

78 Carbohydrate

79 Type of molecule?

80 Unsaturated fatty acid

81 Type of molecule?

82 Amino acid

83 Type of molecule?

84 DNA: Nucleic acid

85 STUDY!!!!!!! Don’t forget the Digestive system practice quiz and anatomy packet!

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