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A Peek at Our Week in… Third Grade Reminders Math Reading

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1 A Peek at Our Week in… Third Grade 9.7.18 Reminders Math Reading
Bring a healthy snack and a water bottle. Sign planners nightly. Read 100 minutes weekly. Math I can subtract three digit numbers using different strategies. I can solve addition and subtraction word problems. Reading I can explain how illustrations contribute to the words in a story. I can complete my job and come to my literature circle prepared and discuss the book with my group. Spelling Words often, asked, house, don’t, together, many, their, they, large, also, said, our, over, what, think, those Writing I can write a personal narrative with strong details. I can use dialogue in my narratives. Calendar 9-10 Title I reading presentation :30pm-Lawson cafeteria 9-10 pto meeting at 6:00 pm 9-18 Grandparent’s/vip day 9-21 PTO Hat day $1 Social Studies I can explain the importance of the Declaration of Independence.

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