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Rising Freshman Meeting

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1 Rising Freshman Meeting

2 PHS School Counseling Dept.
Lisa Evans, Director of Counseling, A-Fi Katherine Banton, Fl-Mo Lynn Neenan, Mu-Z Rosalyn Sklute, Registrar

3 Topics for discussion…
General Information about PHS Program of Studies/Course Selection Online Registration

4 Schedule School day: 7:20-2:00 Seven periods a day / 50 minutes each
4 minutes for transitions Two lunch periods / 26 minutes each Second period is homeroom

5 Attendance is Key to Success
Noted in the Student Handbook: To comply with the Code of Virginia , students are expected to attend school every day and be on time unless there is illness or death in the immediate family. When requesting make up work, a parent should give teachers 24 hours notice to have the child’s assignments prepared to take homework. At least one day will be allowed for make-up work for every day of excused absence. Failure on the part of the student to complete make up work on time will result in the student receiving a lowered grade on the assignment. Students are not allowed to make up any daily work and instruction provided by teachers during unexcused absences or unexcused tardies.

6 Academic & Career Plan Updated annually to guide course selection
Meet graduation requirements Explore career interests Living document

7 Graduation Requirements
Standard Diploma Advanced Diploma 22 credits 4 English 3 Math 3 Sciences 3 History/Social Sciences 2 Health/PE 5 verified credits* Economics/Personal Finance Virtual Course At least 2 sequential electives 1 Fine/Practical Art CTE Certification 26 credits 4 English 4 Math 4 Sciences 4 History/Social Sciences 2 Health/PE 3 World Language 5 verified credits* Economics/Personal Finance Virtual Course 1 Fine/Practical Art

8 Course Levels Standard Honors Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Enrolled
Honors/AP Contract must be completed and turned in by March 22th, 2019!

9 GPA Calculation Standard Courses Honors AP/Gov. School A = 4.0 A = 4.5 A = 5.0 B = 3.0 B = 3.5 B = 4.0 C = 2.0 C = 2.5 C = 3.0 D = 1.0 D = 1.5 D = 2.0 F = 0 F = 0 F = 0

10 Math, Science, Social Studies
Standard Diploma 3 credits in each Subject 1 SOL each in Biology, Algebra I and a Social Studies (+ 2 English SOLs in 11th grade) Advanced Diploma 4 credits in each subject 1 SOL in Biology, Algebra I and a (+ 2 English SOLs 11th grade) * English is required EVERY year!

11 Math Standard Advanced Algebra I (SOL) Geometry (SOL)*
Algebra II (SOL)* or AFDA (Algebra, Functions and Data Analysis) Algebra I (SOL) Geometry (SOL)* Algebra II or Alg. II/Trig H (SOL)* Statistics/Advanced Math-Pre Calc./ Math Analysis-Pre Calc. and beyond. * Will only take if previous math SOLs were taken in Middle School.

12 Advanced: 4 years in 3 disciplines Standard: 3 years in 2 disciplines
Science Advanced: 4 years in 3 disciplines Standard: 3 years in 2 disciplines Disciplines Earth Science Biology Chemistry Physics Environmental Science Environmental Science H Biology H Chemistry H AP Physics AP Environmental AP Biology AP Chemistry Astronomy Anatomy/Genetics Forensic Science Earth Science H

13 Social Studies Standard World Geography (SOL)* US & VA History (SOL)**
US & VA Government** Advanced World Geography (SOL)* World History (SOL) or AP European History US & VA History (SOL)** US & VA Government** * Honors offered ** AP offered

14 World Language 3 credits in one language ex. Spanish 1, 2, and 3
2 credits in two languages ex. French 1, French 2, German 1, German 2

15 Economics & Personal Finance
All students must earn one credit in this course Hybrid class, taught online and in the classroom Recommended to take in 10th or 11th grade* W!SE test given at the end of course will meet the CTE certification requirement for the Standard Diploma * Students considering applying to Governors School for Science and Technology should take this course prior to 11th grade.

16 Electives Standard Advanced
4 Credits: 2 Sequential 1 Fine Art or CTE course 1 other 3 Credits: 1 Fine Art or CTE course 2 other

17 What’s New? Aviation Academy Open to grades 9-12
Limited slots available Must complete application and Letter of Intent by 3/22/19 Must take an online class Selection based on lottery Military Science & Leadership Open to grades 9-12 Gain a general level of understanding of all 5 branches Tour local military bases, meet personnel & explore careers Learn history, procedures, organization & customs Entrepreneurship Education Open to grades 9-12 For Students interested in Marketing, Business or Management Learn the concepts and techniques for planning an innovative business

18 Clubs DECA Drama FCA FCCLA FBLA FEA Foreign Language Clubs
International Club TSA Teens for Troops Academic Challenge Key Club Leo Club Model UN Student 2 Student SCA Help Save The Next Girl Drama Club Our Helping Hands Dungeons and Dragons

19 Honor Societies World Language Honor Societies
Mu Alpha Theta – Math Honor Society National Honor Society Science National Honor Society Tri-M Music Honor Society

20 Credits Earned in Middle School
Grades and credits reflected on transcript Included in GPA and class rank Request credit omission from PMS Counseling office by July 1st

21 Promotion Requirements
10th grade – 5 credits (including English 9) 11th grade – 10 credits (including English 10) 12th grade – 15 credits (including English 11)

22 Volunteer Hours Not required for graduation but Strongly Encouraged
200 hours = Community Service Seal 50 hours + grade of A or B in US History and Government = Board of Education Seal of Excellence in Civics Education Promotes Civic Engagement Allows for Academic and Career Exploration

23 Course Descriptions All courses are year-long
Program of Studies available on school webpage Includes Description of course Grade level Pre/Co-requisites

24 Online Registration Make thoughtful selections
Read course descriptions Consider strengths/interests Explore career interests Select at least 2 alternates and be sure they are courses that you have an interest in Online registration opens (for middle school) February 6, March 1, 2019.

25 Questions?

26 @PoquosonHS_Coun

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