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1. ENIAC is the first electronic computer. The weight of this computer is more than 27 tons and it took 1800 square palace. 2. Do you know that it.

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4 1. ENIAC is the first electronic computer. The weight of this computer is more than 27 tons and it took 1800 square palace. 2. Do you know that it is simply 10% of the world’s that is physical money and the rest exists on computers?

5 4. The longest word that you can write the use of the letters on one row of the keyboard of your pc is TYPEWRITER. 5. The first mouse was made of wood and it invented by Doug Engelbart in 1964.

6 5. Do you know about it 5000 new viruses are released in every month? 6. Interface Manager is an Original name of the window.

7 Address : P.O.BOX: 717, Arusha, Tanzania Contact Number : 255753437557

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