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KS1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Workshop for Parents

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Presentation on theme: "KS1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Workshop for Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 KS1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Workshop for Parents

2 Aims of the session To explain grammar terminology
To experience the types of question in a KS1 Grammar test To give you practical resources to support your child


4 Test Time










14 SPaG Games Plural game Suffix – adding -ed game Card games
Roll a die to move along the board. Read the word you land on and write the plural. If you don’t know the accurate spelling, move back on space. Remember, if the word ends in a y then change the y to an i and add es Suffix – adding -ed game Find your root work e.g hop. There are two corresponding colour coded cards. You need to explain which spelling is correct. Card games These are a selection of SPaG questions that the children will be expected to complete during guided reading.

15 Further Resources Active Learn
Lots of fun SPaG games to reinforce learning. Logins to be issued shortly. Common exception words – these are in the front of your child’s Home Learning book. Please can you continue to support your child with their accurate spelling.

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