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BellRinger Drawing Drawing 2

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Presentation on theme: "BellRinger Drawing Drawing 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 BellRinger Drawing Drawing 2 In drawing 1, which bowl would feel warm to your hands? Which bowl would feel cool? In drawing 2, which bowl would feel warm to your hands? Which bowl would feel cool? A person from Seattle tells his friend from Florida that the weather in Seattle is somewhat warm. When the friend arrives for a visit, he finds that he is uncomfortably cool wearing the shorts he packed. What would be a more effective way for the person from Seattle to explain the weather?

2 I. Temperature and Energy
Review – What is Kinetic Energy? Energy of a moving object QUESTION: All matter is made up of….? Atoms Atoms are in constant motion. 2. More kinetic energy = more motion.

3 Therefore… 3. More motion = higher temperatures.
Temperature is a measure of the average ____________of the atoms that make up something. kinetic energy

4 II. Measuring Temperature
As a rule, objects ______________ as their temperature _______________. expand increases The substance in a typical thermometer is mercury OR alcohol. As the mercury gains kinetic energy, it moves faster causing the molecules to spread out (the mercury expands).


6 III. Converting Temperatures

7 Example Problems: If it is 950F outside, what is the temperature in Celsius? 350C

8 Example Problems: 2. What is the temperature in Fahrenheit if it is 120C? 53.60F

9 Example Problems: 3. What is the temperature in Kelvin if it is 480C? 321 K

10 Class work: Pg Practice: 1 – 4

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