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Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, July 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, July 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, 21-24 July 2013
Day 2 Organization Kees van Berkel Mariëtte Vosmer Jerusalem, July 2013

2 Division Data Collection
2 Division Data Collection

3 3 Fieldwork unit

4 Short historical overview
Prior to 2002 interviewers unemployed, freelance coaching interviewers centralized interviewers paid by response / non response interviewers kept at a distance size of workload determined by interviewers workload = number of addresses

5 Short historical overview (2)
Since 2002 interviewers employed, civil servants coaching interviewers decentralized demand for performance improvement investment in interviewers size of workload determined by CBS workload = number of working hours

6 Organization Division Datacollection: Accountmanagement Questionnaire
Sample Training interviewers Support interviewers Planning and control Interviewing

7 Regions 7 Face to face (decentr) 13 regions 13 region managers
320 interviewers Telephone (centr): 4 teams 4 team leaders 130 interviewers

8 Supervising interviewers
Supervision and coaching interviewers by region managers Yearly supervising cycle: setting targets in performance agreements monitoring performance assessment of performance every six months

9 Work engagement Interview only face to face Interview on laptop
9 Work engagement Interview only face to face Interview on laptop Apply required approach strategy Apply suggestions to gain coöperation Ask questions literally Use identification card

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