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Chapter 4 Vocabulary Terms

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1 Chapter 4 Vocabulary Terms
The Ancient Greeks

2 1. peninsula - body of land with water on three sides 2
1. peninsula - body of land with water on three sides colony - settlement in a new territory that keeps close ties to its homeland polis - the early Greek city-state, made up a city and the surrounding countryside and run like an independent country

3 4. agora-in early Greek city-states, an open area that served as both a market and a meeting place
5. acropolis-a fortified area at the top of a hill 6. tyrant-a person who takes power by force and rules with total authority

4 7. oligarchy-government in which a small group of people hold power
8. helot-name given by Spartans to a captive worker, comes from the Greek word “capture” 9. slave-a person who can be bought or sold by another person

5 10. philosopher-thinker who seeks wisdom and ponders questions about life
11. representative democracy-system of government in which citizens choose a smaller group to make laws and govern on their behalf 12. direct democracy-system of government in which people gather at mass meetings to decide on government matters.

6 Estates – Name for large farms in ancient Greece.
14. Earth Mother – The chief goddess of the ancient Minoans. 15. Dark Age – A time of chaos, war, and very little progress.

7 Ephors – A person in ancient Greece who enforced laws and managed tax collection.
Hoplites – Armies made up of ordinary citizens.

8 Satrap – A name given to the Persian ruler which meant “protector of the kingdom”.
Zoroastranism – Persian religion based on the belief in one supreme creator of all things who is a force of goodness. 20. Marathon – Famous ancient Greek location that modern day races are named for.

9 Mythology: A body of stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the world works.
22. Fables: Short stories that teach the reader lessons about life or give advice on how to live. 23. Citizens: People who have the right to participate in government 24. Aristocrats: Rich landowners 25. Classical: Time period marked by great achievements.

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