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Asheville City Schools

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1 Asheville City Schools
Budget Overview October 3, 2011

2 2011-12 Initial Budget By Fund
Child Nutrition $1.9M/3.1% Capital Outlay $4.8M/8.6% Federal Grants $7.4M/13.1% State Public School Fund $21.5M/37.9% Other Specific Revenue $5M/9.0% Local Current Expense Fund $16M/28.3% Total Budget $56,557,307

3 Fund Balance & Transfers $.9M/1.4%
Initial Budget By Revenue Source Fund Balance & Transfers $.9M/1.4% Federal $10.5M/18.6% Local $23.2M/41.1% State $22M/38.9% Total Budget $56,557,307

4 2011-12 Initial Budget By Object of Expenditure
Contracts/Staff Dev/Utilities $6.3M/11.1% Supplies & Materials $3.5M/6.3% Capital Outlay $4.9M/8.6% Salaries & Benefits $41M/72.4% Other $.9M/1.6% Total Budget $56,557,307

5 Total Initial Operating Budget $51,669,150
Initial Operating Budget By Object of Expenditure – excludes capital outlay expenditures Supplies & Materials $3.5M/6.9% Contracts/Staff Dev/Utilities $6.3M/12.1% Salaries & Benefits $41M/79.3% Other $.9M/1.7% Total Initial Operating Budget $51,669,150

6 Change from Fiscal Year 2011 to 2012
Final Fiscal Year Budget $61,371,447 Increase in State Public School Fund ,749 Decrease in Local Current Expense Fund (984,338) Decrease in Federal Grants Fund (1,193,580) Decrease in Capital Outlay Fund (2,577,535) Increase in Child Nutrition Fund ,750 Decrease in Other Specific Revenue Fund (775,186) Initial Fiscal Year Budget $56,557,307

7 Loss of 5.25 positions system-wide
Impact of overall budget reductions on regular classroom and non-instructional support positions: Loss of 5.25 positions system-wide

8 Major Salary & Benefits Changes – All Funds
No salary increases for any employees (last increase received July 2008) Increase in retirement matching rate from 10.51% to % ABC Bonuses were not funded by the General Assembly and will not be paid to any employees Longevity will be paid to all eligible employees The local salary supplement will be paid to all permanent employees in May 2012 with no reduction to the percentage rates used to compute the supplement

9 State Public School Fund
Positive factors: Allotment ADM increased by 95 students Class size reduced from 1:18 to 1:17 in grades 1-3 Positions and dollars cut from the State Public School Fund (SPSF) in fiscal year 2011 to utilize ARRA stabilization funding in the Federal Grants Fund were restored to the SPSF in fiscal year 2012 Increase in retirement matching rate impacted both position and dollar allotments

10 State Public School Fund – continued
Negative factors: Budget cuts impacted 12 SPSF allotments Lottery funds could not be used to fund classroom teachers for fiscal year 2012

11 Local Current Expense Fund - Revenues
Increase in Buncombe County general appropriation 5.78% county-wide Increase in Asheville City Schools’ share of the Buncombe County general appropriation from % to 13.86% Decrease in appropriated fund balance

12 Local Current Expense Fund - Expenditures
Increase in retirement matching rate Temporarily transfer positions to Federal Education Jobs Fund Reduce utility costs due to energy efficiency improvements Decrease in transfers to charter schools pending court decisions

13 Federal Grants Fund ARRA Stabilization Funding ($1,111,640)
ARRA Stimulus Funding ($1,231,365) IMPACT grant – ARRA & competitive ($868,893) Education Jobs Fund $800,441 Race to the Top $850,485

14 Capital Outlay Fund Asheville High School Renovations:
Phase I and reroofing complete Phase II (science labs) continuing

15 Asheville Middle School
Roof Repair Project

16 Energy Grants

17 Appalachian Regional Commission
Laptop 1:1 Project: Mebane Foundation Appalachian Regional Commission Local Funds

18 Child Nutrition Fund No change in meal prices for fiscal year 2012
Small increase in USDA reimbursement rates Increase in USDA revenues offset by increased food costs and employee benefits costs

19 Other Specific Revenue Fund
Preschool ($411,260) State Dropout Prevention grant ($160,271) Federal grants indirect cost ($81,359) LSTA grant ($50,000) United Way grant $27,000

20 2012 Grant Funding totaling $10,139,035!
36 Grants totaling $10,139,035!


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