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To use phonics in Spanish to help improve reading and speaking skills

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1 To use phonics in Spanish to help improve reading and speaking skills
What are we learning? To use phonics in Spanish to help improve reading and speaking skills

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 idea araña elefante olvidar
universo cerdo ciclista casa coche cucaracha gimnasia hamburguesa España zumo guitarra llave

3 Listen to the sounds and practise them. Create a sound dragon with the main sounds on there. Label each part of the dragon with a sound, eg “ce” or use an entire word to challenge yourself. Create a key, ie “ce” = rojo (red) When you have finished this,swap it with a partner to colour in. Complete this for homework.


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