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Do Now Vocabulary word – Antebellum

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1 Do Now Vocabulary word – Antebellum
Definition – existing before a war; especially : existing before the American Civil War Write 5 sentences using antebellum correctly. Write these sentences on your page in your notebook reserved for your next lecture.

2 Unit 10, Lecture 2 Lincoln is Elected and the South Secedes
Mr. Smith 8th grade U.S. History February 16th & 17th, 2012

3 Political Parties Splinter
1860 election – Democrats disagree over party’s platform in regards to slavery Southerners want slavery to be defended Northerners want popular sovereignty to decide on slavery state by state Northerners won platform vote = Southerners walked out Nobody could be nominated with the differing views

4 Political Parties Splinter (CONT)
Met again in June to attempt to nominate a candidate, but differences still existed. Southerners, again, walked out Northern Democrats nominated Stephen A. Douglas Southern Democrats nominated John Breckenridge The Constitutional Union Party nominated a 4th candidate, John Bell

5 The Election of 1860 Very odd election, as we saw two races take place, one in the North and one in the South. Lincoln and Douglas had support in the North Breckenridge and Bell had support in the South Work on map Lincoln ends up winning the election. He clearly states he will not abolish slavery in the South Southerners do not trust him though and believe the banning of slavery is imminent

6 The Election of 1860 (CONT)

7 Southern States Secede
Southern states warned if Lincoln was elected, they would secede Secede – withdraw from the Union First state to secede was South Carolina Within six weeks, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas joined in seceding The states made up the Confederate States of America and Jefferson Davis was named their president

8 Southern States Secede (CONT)

9 Union Response to Secession
If secession were to be allowed the Union would be perceived as weak Northerners argued that by the South seceding, they were arguing against the rules of democracy “[The Southerners’] quarrel is not with the Republican party, but with the efforts of Democracy.”

10 Efforts to Compromise Fail
Lincoln’s inauguration Reiterates, he has no intent on abolishing slavery Speaks out forcefully against secession Difficult situation for him. Did not want to invade the South Federal government interests (forts) were locate in the South Looking at his pre-election and post-death photos, perhaps no President aged greater in office than Lincoln

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