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Feudal Japan What’s in a textbook?.

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Presentation on theme: "Feudal Japan What’s in a textbook?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feudal Japan What’s in a textbook?

2 What’s in a textbook? Open the Humanities Alive text in the Assignments drive, “To the Manor Born” p.32-33 Look at the page carefully What do you find on the page? Individually, list as many different things (sections) as you can. Write them down on your sheet

3 What’s in a textbook? Think further!
How is the information arranged? Where has the information been placed on the page? What kinds of information are there? How much of each type is there?

4 What’s in a textbook? Think further!
How is colour used? Are some things in particular colours? Is colour used consistently? Pictures/diagrams/other visual information: how have they been used?

5 What’s in a textbook? Discuss your observations with a partner. Join your notes together. What did you notice your partner didn't? What did they notice?

6 What’s in a textbook? What conclusions can we draw?

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