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Joe Students 8th Grade LSJ

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1 Joe Students 8th Grade LSJ
The Triduum Joe Students 8th Grade LSJ Title Slide should include Your name, grade and date. This slide is worth 5 points

2 Holy Thursday What do we recall at this Liturgy?
What part of scripture is being read? What does Jesus call us to do by His example? How do the priests and deacons imitate Jesus’ acts of love and service? Include a visual This slide is worth 20 points.

3 Good Friday What time do we generally celebrate this liturgy?
What part of the Gospel do we recall? How may parts to this liturgy? (list and explain) Include a visual This slide is worth 20 points.

4 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil List and explain the parts of this liturgy
Include a visual This slide is worth 20 points.

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