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Campus Budget Meeting November 30, 2017

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1 Campus Budget Meeting November 30, 2017
Birdville ISD Campus Budget Meeting November 30, 2017

2 Packet Items Budget Development Calendar
General Fund Budget Position Form Position Review Request Form Sub-Object Listing Facility Modification Request New Account Code Request Form Budget Presentation Power Point Budget Code Helpful Hints Sample – Campus Staff Budget Request Form Summary Budget Worksheet Campus Detail Budget Worksheet BISD Campus Allotment

3 District Budget Account Coding
Christy Presents Handout Flip Charts -- Christy Hand out Quicktips sheet -- Dora

Budget Account Coding Account Code Requirements-Data required by TEA XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX (Munis doesn’t account for the FY, be sure to put a date range in your report listing)

Fund-Funding source XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX 100’s-General Fund ’s-Special Revenue Funds 500’s-Debt Service Funds 600’s-Capital Project Funds (Bond Projects)

6 Function-Purpose of the Expenditure
XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX 11 Instruction (Activities directly between teachers and students) * 12 Instructional Resources and Media (Library) * 13 Curriculum Development and Instructional Staff Development * 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership (Principal & Office Staff) * 31 Guidance, Counseling, and Evaluation Services * 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services (Nurses) * 34 Student (Pupil) Transportation (To/From School Only) 35 Food Services (Cafeteria Services Only) 36 Cocurricular/Extracurricular Activities * 41 General Administration (Administration Offices) 51 Plant Maintenance and Operations 52 Security and Monitoring Services 53 Data Processing Services 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service (capital leases) 81 Facilities Acquisition and Construction

7 Object Code-Nature or Object of account
XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX 6100’s-District Employees 6200’s-Professional & Contracted Services 6300’s-Supplies & Equipment < $5,000 per unit cost 6400’s-Dues, Travel, Food and Other Expenses 6600’s-Capital Assets >$5,000 per unit cost

8 Payroll Object 6100 Substitutes Part-Time Employees (no benefits)
All Teacher Absences XX-6112 Professional Non-Teacher XX-6122 Support Personnel Part-Time Employees (no benefits) XX-6118 Professional XX-6126 Part-Time Support Personnel Extra Pay Full-Time Employees XX-6118 Professional Stipends & Extra Duty Pay XX-6121 Extra Duty Pay/Overtime Support Personnel Note: There should be no 6119 or 6129 object codes in campus or department budgets. These are for full-time positions only.

9 Professional & Contracted Services Object 6200
Professional Services (typically a licensed individual) XX-6219 Student Tuition Education Service Centers Contracted Services XX-6239 Maintenance & Repair Services XX-6249

10 Professional & Contracted Services Object 6200 (continued)
Rentals/Operating Leases (copier leases) XX-6269 Consulting Services (performance improvement) XX-6291 Print Shop Services XX-6399-P1 (not 6294) Other Contracted Services XX-6299

11 Supplies and Materials Object 6300
Gasoline and Fuel-district vehicles XX-6311 Maintenance/Operations-custodial and building maintenance supplies Textbooks-textbooks purchased by district furnished free to students Reading Materials-magazine/newspaper subscriptions and books (not workbooks) XX-6329

12 Supplies and Materials Object 6300 (continued)
Testing Materials 11, Child Nutrition Only – 6349 Supplies, Furniture, Equipment (unit cost < $5,000) XX Computer Equipment XX-6399-SF Software Licenses XX-6399-CQ Copier Clicks XX-6399-FU Furniture XX-6399-P1 Print Shop XX All other supplies and equipment

13 Other Operating Costs Object 6400
Employee Travel-registration fees, transportation, meals, hotel, etc. Teacher Instruction Related Teacher Staff Development/Training XX-6411 All Other Employees Student Travel-transportation, meals, participation fees, hotel, etc. related to students traveling for school sponsored events Regular Instruction (field trips) Extracurricular/Cocurricular 6494 District transportation dept charges only

14 Other Operating Costs Object 6400 (continued)
Non-Employee Travel-registration fees, transportation, meals, and hotel for non-district employees participating in school sponsored events XX-6419 Insurance- property insurance, liability insurance, bonding costs, and athletic insurance XX-6429 Dues-not associated with travel (fees should be 6499) XX-6495

15 Other Operating Costs Object 6400 (continued)
Awards XX-6498 Miscellaneous Operating Costs-fees, bid notices, newspaper advertisements, food/refreshments for school related meetings, other miscellaneous costs not coded elsewhere XX-6499-F1 Food Includes meals and snacks Excludes coffee products and water (code to 6399) XX-6499

16 Sub-Object-District Local Option provides additional account description

17 Organization Number XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX High Schools Middle Schools Elementary Schools 699 Summer School General Administration /999 Undistributed

18 Fiscal Year XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX Number will be the year the school year ends (school year would be “8”) “In Munis, the fiscal year is not part of the account code”

19 Program Intent Code-Intent of program provided to students
XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX 11 Basic Educational Services 21 Gifted and Talented 22 Career and Technology 23 Services to Students with Disabilities (Special Education) 24 SCE & At-Risk for Non-Title I Campuses 25 Bilingual Education and Special Language Programs 26 Non-disciplinary Alternative Education Programs 28 Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (base level program) 29 Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (supplemental costs) 30 SCE & At-Risk for Title I Campuses 31 High School Allotment 32 Pre-Kindergarten 33, 34, 35 Pre-Kindergarten-Special Ed, Comp Ed, Bilingual 91 Athletics and Related Activities 99 Undistributed (not readily distributed to a program intent code)

20 Campus budget manager is the campus organization number
Local Option Codes-District Local Option used as budget manager XXX-XX-XXXX-XX-XXX-X-XX-XXX Campus budget manager is the campus organization number Computer budget access is based on the budget manager number

21 Budget Process


23 Budget Development Calendar
PROJECTED DATES ACTIVITY FACILITATOR November 30, 2017 BCTAL Initial Budget meetings to distribute forms and instructions to campuses and department heads (1 hour meetings) Boynton December 4-8, 2017 All budget forms including position request forms and position review requests will be ed to all department heads, campus principals, and secretaries. December 11, January 26, 2018 Campus principals, department heads and secretaries will develop budget and position proposals for Department Heads/Principals January 26, 2018 All completed budget forms, Personnel Request forms, and Position Review Request forms are due to the Business Office. All forms should be sent electronically through . April - May 2018 Campus and Department secretaries will enter final line item budgets into the Munis budget system (Business Office will provide communication regarding this process) Bowman/Boynton and Campus/Department Secretaries June 21, 2018 Board Meeting to conduct public hearing and to adopt budget Dr. Brown

24 Campus Site-Based Funding (BISD Campus Allotment)
Per Pupil Allotment (at 100% of October 2017 enrollment) Elementary - $59 per student Middle School - $74 per student High - $79 per student Cafeteria Monitors Elementary only - $4,750 Unspent funds can be moved to instructional supplies Travel (Function 23) $800 – Principal $300 – Assistant Principal

25 Campus Site-Based Funding (BISD Campus Allotment) – Cont’d
Library Book Funds ( ) $9.50 per student Must be used for books Library Supplies $250 per campus Nurse Supplies ( ) $1 per student

26 Other Campus Budget Information
Fall 2018 – Budget Roll-forward The lessor of 20% of adopted budget or the remaining budget funds will be allocated to campuses Copy Machines 7 copies per student per day Copies over allotment ($.0039 per copy) Campus responsibility Budget Rollup XXXX-XX-XXX-XX-101

27 Other Campus Budget Information -Continued-
Substitutes Basic Substitute Needs – Funded by District Employee Illness Personal Days Substitutes Required by Departments Contact Department for sub code Staff Development Subs Utilize Current Request form online Substitutes Campus Discretion Campus should include in budget Reimbursements from Activity Fund

28 Other Packet Items General Fund Budget Position Form #2
Position Review Request Form #3 Sub Object Listing #4 Facility Modification Request #5 For Next Fiscal Year – no summer work New Account Code Request Form #6

29 Budget Process 2018-19 Campus Detail Budget Worksheet
General Fund only requests-grant funds will be developed later in the Spring Initial Allocation included at the top of the worksheet Enter proposed budget into proposed budget column Add additional rows as needed (be sure to complete the New Account Request Form and submit with budget worksheets if account code is not in Munis) Library books, library supplies, cafeteria monitors, nurse supplies and principal travel are preloaded-Do Not Change allocations. Teachers in special program classrooms are entitled to basic supplies from the campus allocation (be sure to use the correct program intent code)-supplemental supplies are provided by special program departments Rows with yellow highlights indicate account numbers that may be incorrect Rows with red script indicate account numbers that should not be used Please add notes in last column as needed “Additional Amount to Budget” cell should equal zero (-0-) when you are finished

30 Budget Process-continued
Summary Budget Worksheet First Section-Proposed Incr(Decr) within my Initial Allocation Include any major budget allocation changes within allotment in this section Using less than the allotted amount for principal/asst. principal travel or cafeteria monitor would be entered in this section Second Section-Requests for Additional Non-Personnel Budget Include any “non-personnel” requests in this section This represents amounts over your campus allotment These amounts should not be entered on the Campus Detail Budget Worksheet Third Section-Requests for New Positions Use the General Fund Budget Position Form Include New Positions and New Stipends Include all costs associated with the position including required travel, training, furniture, etc. Do not include requests for additional days, pay grade reclassifications or salary reviews-these will be handled on the Position Review Request Form Do not include staff normally received through staffing formulas

31 Review Budget History and Anticipated Needs
Don’t just budget as you have in the past Review budget amendments that you have had to make to move funds around this year Review funded projects to determine if future funding is needed Review new projects to determine what funding is needed

32 Staff Involvement

33 Ways to Involve your staff
Staff should have input into the budget development for your campus. There are several different ways to involve staff Grade levels Area specific Sample Form

34 Budget Process-continued
Budget Worksheet Submission Please to Completed Campus Detail Budget Worksheet Completed Summary Budget Worksheet New Account Request Form (if applicable) General Fund Budget Position Form (if applicable) Position Review Request Form ( if applicable) Facility Modification Request (if applicable) Submission deadline-Friday, January 26, 2018 Final approved budget will be ed to campus principal and secretary in June 2018 after Board adoption. Please contact Business Office for any assistance needed.

35 Other Business Topics Captive Audience

36 Travel Reminders Out of State Travel Out of District Travel
Requires Cabinet approval 60 days prior to traveling Out of District Travel Approval required 2 weeks out Travel within DFW without overnight stay Doesn’t require Travel Form to be attached to requisition Include details of event/travel on requisition Travel begins at place of work not home In-District Travel Submit Monthly Provide purpose of travel Google maps required to support mileage E-signatures required of employee and supervisor

37 Travel Reminders cont’d
Use current travel form(s) on website Complete all parts of the form including account codes Under additional/comments /notes. Make notes of sharing room or specific reimbursements Once approved – no changes should be made Attach form to the Travel Expense Requisitions in Munis Include details on requisitions to include who, where, when, etc. Always requires principal/supervisor approval – no matter who is funding the travel E-signatures - Send on to Budget Manager who is funding travel

38 Travel Reminders cont’d
Provide Hotel Tax Exemption to employees staying in hotel Post Trip Complete “Post Trip” column Don’t amend the approval portion of the form – leave as originally approved Attach form to reimbursement Must match “Post Trip” total Reimbursement for gas only for rental car – not employee vehicle

39 Campus vs Student Activity Funds - Definitions
Campus Activity Funds Funds raised or generated for the purpose of supporting the campus activities Administered like District General Operating Funds Subject to District Purchasing Guidelines Principal is decision maker Student Activity Funds Funds held in trust by the campus for the benefit of a student group Student Council, Key Club, etc. Not subject to District Purchasing Guidelines Student Club Officers are decision makers

40 Use of Campus Activity Fund vs Campus Allocation
Campus Allocation should be used for the general operations of the campus Campus Activity Funds should be used to supplement the Campus Allocation Campus Activity Funds raised should be used for the benefit of the students raising the funds Roll Forward should be limited to projects identified for the benefit of the campus See page 24 of the Activity Funds Manual for details

41 Bank Accounts District Bank Accounts should all be at District Depository Frost Bank Outside entities should not use District EIN for bank accounts Sunshine/Employee Funds Can be treated as a Student Activity Fund

42 Cash Handling Cash collections should be handled as outlined in the Activity Fund Manual No cash should be left on the campus overnight If necessary, cash must be stored in the campus safe No cash shall be left unsecured in the teacher’s classroom at any time. Cash should be brought to the office as soon as possible and secured in the campus safe

43 Donations A gift or donation is defined as a monetary or other type of voluntary donation from a nongovernmental entity or a student group for which districts have not applied. Donations made to the school in the form of cash or otherwise according to Board Policy CDC (LOCAL) will require approval as follows: a. Gifts valued at $2,500 or more may be accepted by Board action only. Requires funds to be administered through the Business Office (Ginger Martin) b. Gifts valued between $500 and $2,500 may be approved by the Superintendent or designee. c. Gifts valued $500 or less may be approved by campus principal, department director or designee.

44 We don’t want this to be Dr. Brown…
We don’t want this to be Dr. Brown… please include all needs in your budget submission!

45 Questions??

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