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SDMX and implications for the ESS

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Presentation on theme: "SDMX and implications for the ESS"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDMX and implications for the ESS
Agenda point 3.2 2

2 Eurostat ECB BIS OECD World Bank UN IMF
Formats SDMX-ML SDMX-EDI Technical standards Architecture Pilot Project Alignment Projects Gesmes 2.1 Gesmes/TS NAWWE use Information model Joint External Debt Hub Eurostat ECB BIS OECD World Bank UN IMF use input Core statistical concepts Metadata Common Vocabulary Core subject-matter domains Metadata standards SODI SDDS use 2

3 Data model evolved from GESMES/EDIFACT
Key ideas of SDMX Data model evolved from GESMES/EDIFACT XML-based formats for data transmission and dissemination Data sharing architecture with metadata registry, web services Alignment projects to develop and test tools and standards 2

4 Continuity with GESMES XML-based data formats
Advantages for ESS Standardisation across countries and international statistical data collection Continuity with GESMES XML-based data formats Focus on practical implementation 2

5 Early examples of practical implementation
ECB/Bunsdesbank: Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2

6 Issues for Member States
Overall orientation of SDMX How should Member States participate in development of SDMX standards Timescale for use of SDMX standards 2

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