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Sophomore College Prep

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1 Sophomore College Prep
Direct Vocabulary Sophomore College Prep

2 You need to take notes in your Journals for this!

3 Direct PSAT Vocabulary
Banal Candor Caricature Circumspect Coalesce Corroborate Congenial Curtail Dearth Debilitate Decorous Decry Direct PSAT Vocabulary Do any of these words seem familiar? Which ones do you think you know a definition to? Use your imagination what might a caricature of Nikki Minaj look like?

4 BANAL CANDOR Adjective
Lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring; dull CANDOR Noun Being open and honest in expression; sincerity

Picture, description or imitation of a person in which certain characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic effect; cartoon Verb To make a comically exaggerated representation of someone or something; parody CIRCUMSPECT Adjective Unwilling to take risks; cautious

6 CONGENIAL CURTAIL Adjective Pleasant or agreeable; satisfying verb
Reduce or impose restriction upon; lessen

To come together or combine to make a whole; unite CORROBORATE verb Confirm or give support; verify

8 DEARTH DEBILITATE noun Shortage or lack of something; scarcity verb
Weaken or hinder someone or something; delay

9 DECOROUS DECRY Adjective Polite and restrained; proper verb
To publicly denounce; criticize

10 Group Speak In your groups each person choose one word and describe a time in your life where it has happened to you, or you did it to someone, or you witnessed it occurring. Each person must choose a different word. You will have 6 minutes.

11 Group Speak Share your story from the vocabulary words you used this week with your group pals. You will have 4 minutes.

12 Individual Expression
In your journals create a picture or symbolic representation of your new vocabulary words. Think of this like an ICON like the ones on your phone. Work individually. You will have 3 minutes.

13 Must use at least 10 vocabulary words but more is better
Must be two pages in length Must include use of metaphor, simile or other literary devices Must be descriptive You have 15 minutes to write 5 minutes to edit Pick one person to read story out loud

14 Story Time It’s morning, and you’re walking down the rain soaked streets amid crowds of people who don’t hesitate to shove you as necessary to get where they’re going. Suddenly, you feel a tug at your arm and you’re pull sideways until you come face to face with a strange man with a black hat and umbrella. He hands you an odd black pouch you open it to find…

15 Tell the story about what was happening when this picture was taken
Tell the story about what was happening when this picture was taken. Include life lessons, prior knowledge, and information from other disciplines/classes. Edit and revise it for clarity. Give it a title.

16 You’re standing near the water on a crowded San Francisco pier
You’re standing near the water on a crowded San Francisco pier. Suddenly, a seagull swoops down from above and stops right next to you. He looks at you in that funny way that only seagulls can master, and as you stare back, you notice something on his leg – it’s a tiny scroll, secured with a ribbon..




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