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FlexFile 101 MARCH 2019.

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1 FlexFile 101 MARCH 2019

2 Agenda Implementation
FlexFile 101 Agenda Implementation FlexFile and Quantity Report will replace DD 1921 Series as the default required cost reporting requirement for newly approved CSDR plans starting May 15, 2019 Some tailoring of the DID requirements may be proposed by the CWIPT (e.g. time-phasing for periods longer than a month) If there is context-specific rationale, e.g. the reporting contractor and effort being performed make it unlikely the additional insight provided will be utilized, then the CWTIP may propose to use the DD 1921 series. FlexFile Implementation Overview Legacy Reports FlexFile/-Q Data Groups FlexFile/-Q Planning, Submission, and Validation Data Access – CSDR-SR Data Access – Data and Analytics

3 FlexFiles/Quantity Report
FlexFile Overview Legacy 1921 Reports to FlexFiles Legacy DIDs FlexFiles/Quantity Report From five DIDs to two CWBS Index and Dictionary 1921: Cost Data Summary Report 1921-1: Functional Cost-Hour Report 1921-2: Progress Curve Report 1921-5: Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report

4 Legacy CCDR Reports DD 1921 Series

5 DD 1921: Cost Data Summary Report
FlexFile Overview DD 1921: Cost Data Summary Report Key Takeaways: Costs and units by WBS Reporting Contractor Profit/Loss or Fee Key Data Fields: Nonrecurring/Recurring Reporting by WBS

6 DD 1921-1: Functional Cost-Hour Report
FlexFile Overview DD : Functional Cost-Hour Report Key Takeaways: Enables three types of analysis: Labor vs material Hours vs dollars Engineering vs Manufacturing Key Data Fields: Nonrecurring/Recurring Reporting by WBS Standard Functional Categories

7 DD 1921-5: Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report
FlexFile Overview DD : Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report Key Takeaways: Format the same as , with sustainment functional categories Enables touch vs support labor analysis Key Data Fields: Nonrecurring/Recurring Reporting by WBS Standard Functional Categories

8 DD 1921-2: Progress Curve Report
FlexFile Overview DD : Progress Curve Report Key Takeaways: Cost reporting by unit, lot, or sub-lot Enables learning curve analysis Key Data Fields: Recurring direct costs Reporting by WBS Standard Functional Categories Sequencing

9 Approved Data Requirements
The FlexFile Approved Data Requirements

10 Approved FlexFile Data Requirements
FlexFile Overview Approved FlexFile Data Requirements Data Group A Data Group B Data Group C Report Metadata Approved Plan Number Submission Event Period of Performance Reporting Organization As of Date Date Prepared more in the DID… DD Form 2794 Data Elements WBS Element Order/Lot End Item Definitions and Remarks WBS Element Definitions Remarks by WBS Element Summary Remarks The core of the FlexFile is providing dollars and hours at the account level in contractor native categories, time phased. Insight into contractor’s native Functional Categories Account level reporting at or below the WBS Data time-phased monthly or to align with contractor’s financial calendars Continuity with prior reports by requiring the legacy government tags Data Group D Data Group E Data Group F Summary Elements Order/Lot Subtotal General and Administrative Undistributed Budget Management Reserve Facilities Capital Cost of Money Contract Fee Contract Price Actuals To Date (ATD) Account Reporting Period CLIN Nonrecurring or Recurring Functional Category / Overhead Standard Functional Category Unit/Sublot WBS Element Order/Lot and End Item ATD (Dollars and Labor Hours) Allocation Methodology Allocation Method Data Group G Greatest value to cost estimator, in many cases, will be the additional insight requested in Group E Legacy Element Forecasts At Completion (FAC) FAC (Dollars) FAC (Labor Hours)

11 Approved -Q Data Requirements
FlexFile Overview Approved -Q Data Requirements Data Group A Data Group B Data Group C The Quantity Report ties the necessary quantity information to the FlexFile: Units to date should reflect an actual count of physically completed units Allow sequencing quantities to be optional through Planning process for each End-Item as not all End Items may require sequencing (e.g., Kits) Sequencing was allowed for lower level WBS elements in legacy , but FlexFile does not sequence WBS elements (only End Items) To Date and In Process to be defined by contractor in the Remarks section Report Metadata Approved Plan Number Submission Event Period of Performance Reporting Organization As of Date Date Prepared more in the DID… Government Furnished Equipment WBS Code/Level/Name Order/Lot End Item Quantity at Completion Delivered Quantity At Completion Internal Quantity At Completion Co-production or Concurrent Quantity At Completion Government Furnished Equipment At Completion Remarks Data Group D Data Group E Legacy Element Assessed Quantity to Date Quantity Completed To Date Quantity In Process Remarks Sequencing (as required by Plan) First Unit Number Last Unit Number Is Internal

12 Summary: FlexFile Reporting Requirements
FlexFile Overview Summary: FlexFile Reporting Requirements Legacy Reporting DIDs Reporting Elements Submission mechanism Formats available to analysts CWBS 1921 1921-1 1921-2 1921-5 WBS NR/R Standard Functional Category Unit/Sublot Cost Reporting ATDs and FACs To Date Quantities At Completion Quantities Sequencing Definitions XML DD Forms generated by cPet desktop or web 1921 DD Forms Excel flat file FlexFile and Quantity Report will replace DD 1921 Series All of the elements found in the DD 1921 Series can be found in the FlexFile and Quantity Report FlexFile/Quantity Report DIDs Reporting Elements Submission mechanism Formats available to analysts FlexFile Quantity Report All Legacy reporting elements Account End Item and Order/Lot CLIN Functional (Internal) Category Functional (Internal) Overhead Category Time-phasing Allocation Methodology GFE units JSON Data Model or Excel-Compatible Format 1921 DD Form Excel flat File For one submission, the contractor will submit a FlexFile and a corresponding Quantity Report (if applicable) The CWBS Dictionary is part of the FlexFile DID and must be submitted with every FlexFile

13 The FlexFile Planning Process

14 Contract Award and Validations
FlexFile Overview Planning Process Flowchart Pre-Plan Plan Development Approval Contract Award and Validations RFP Identified RFP Release Contract Award Initial Plan Drafted Service Component POC Program Office DCARC/CAPE Review OSD CAPE Program Office Approves Service Cost Center POC CWIPT Review DCARC Contractors SCC Director Review CWIPT DCARC Director Review DDCA Director Review Dissemination to CWIPT Dissemination to Contractors Post Award Conference Validation of Cost Reports The overarching CSDR planning process does not change when implementing a FlexFile, but some additional considerations exist...

15 Planning Considerations
FlexFile Overview Planning Considerations Figure 1 - DD Form 2794, Supp. (SCOPE DEF) The following considerations should be included in addition to existing CSDR planning guidance Define End Item and Order/Lot (see Figure 1) FACs broken out by Nonrecurring/Recurring and the Standard Functional Category Quantity Report requires that reporting elements are selected and that GFE are properly identified (see Figure 2) Quantity Report also requires that sequencing be selected by Order/Lot and End Item Figure 2 - DD Form 2794, Pg 1 (REPORTING) Planning Upload Submit Validation CSDR Process

16 DD 2794 (CSDR Plan) Comparison
FlexFile Overview DD 2794 (CSDR Plan) Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 1 Metadata from the top of Pg 1 of the 2015 CSDR plan has it’s own page as part of the FlexFile CSDR plan. FlexFile DD Form 2794, Pg 1 (Metadata)

17 DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 1
FlexFile Overview DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 1 If the CWIPT is requiring FlexFiles: Indicate the LOWEST LEVEL of the WBS in column 12a (ACTUALS TO DATE (ATD)) where actual cost data is required Indicate EVERY element for column 12e (AT COMPLETION COSTS) where forecasted data is required Indicate which elements require quantity report data in box 13a FlexFile DD Form 2794, Pg 2 (Reporting)

18 DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 1
FlexFile Overview DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 1 If the CWIPT is requiring 1921s: Indicate which forms would be required for each WBS element where actual and forecasted data is required Column 12a (ACTUALS TO DATE (ATD)) would act as the 1921 column Every element requires a CWBS Dictionary definition so the CWBS Dictionary requirement will be indicated on Submission Events page FlexFile DD Form 2794, Pg 2 (Reporting)

19 DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 2
FlexFile Overview DD 2794 Comparison 2015 DD Form 2794, Pg 2 FlexFile DD Form 2794, Pg 3 (Events) FlexFile and Quantity Data Reports will be submitted together FlexFiles and Quantity Data Reports will typically be submitted annually or at a greater frequency

20 FlexFile Overview DD 2794 Comparison If the CWIPT is requiring FlexFiles, the Scope Def page is required Indicate the Order/Lots and End Items that the contractor will be tagging the reported dollars and hours to Require Unit Reporting in box 18c if the CWIPT required unit cost reporting, similar to the requirement Indicate that Unit Reporting is required in the FlexFile instead of a See the implementation guide for more information regarding these two fields FlexFile DD Form 2794, Pg 5 Supp. (Scope Def)

21 Submission and Validation
The FlexFile Submission and Validation

22 Submission/Validation Considerations
FlexFile Overview Submission/Validation Considerations Submission Considerations The starting point for submission allows industry to submit the reports in an Excel-Compatible file instead of the JSON Data Model. The data model is final and industry may choose to submit according to the JSON Data Model. If submitting in an Excel-Compatible format, DCARC will ensure that it maps to the data model for CADE ingestion. This may require some coordination between the DCARC and contractor. The DCARC will then submit the JSON Data Model for validation. Validation Considerations DCARC will ensure compliance with DID Approved CSDR plan Equivalent of Legacy 1921 validation rules External stakeholders may also consider any of the additional insight provided in the FlexFile format when conducting their reviews. Planning Upload Submit Validation CSDR Process

23 FlexFile Overview Submission Options Contractor will have option to submit Excel-compatible file or in JSON Data Model Once submitted, Legacy validation process takes place with DCARC administering Validation Error Report Submit FlexFile JSON Data Model? Finalize Report Government validates report and provides industry a Validation Error Report Yes No DCARC uploads submitted data in JSON Data Model. May require coordination with contractor. Planning Upload Submit Validation CSDR Process

24 The FlexFile Data Access

25 An analyst can access a FlexFile in the CSDR-SR in four primary ways…
Implementation Overview Data Access – CSDR-SR An analyst can access a FlexFile in the CSDR-SR in four primary ways… Export Excel Data Model Template FlexFile data provided in Excel data model structure Export Pivot Data Actual dollars and labor hours according to the data elements in Data Group E of the approved FlexFile DID Formatted File Export Excel version of formatted 1921 DD Form Export to Excel Excel flat file with Metadata, Remarks, and Definitions equivalent to that provided in the 1921 DD Form 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 4

26 Utilize filters to narrow search results > select submission event.
Implementation Overview Data Access – Data and Analytics FlexFiles can be accessed using the Browse CSDR Submissions feature in Data & Analytics Utilize filters to narrow search results > select submission event.

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