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CHAPTER 12 Planning and operational variances 谢琳 程琳 邬琪.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 12 Planning and operational variances 谢琳 程琳 邬琪."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 12 Planning and operational variances 谢琳 程琳 邬琪

2 LIST 1. Reasons for revising a budget or standard cost
2. Planning and operational variances 3. Calculation 4. The value 5. Behavioral aspect of variance

3 Reasons Traditionally when comparing standards to actual results the comparison has suffered from the time delay between setting the standard and the occurrence of the actual results. So the difference between standard and actual may arise solely due to an ① unrealistic budget and not due to ②operational factors.

4 Planning variances Operational variances Original budget Revised
Actual Planning variances Operational variances Uncontrollable Controllable

5 Market share and market size variances

6 根据market size制定budget
Market size variance Sales volume planning variance Manager 不用负责 由经营状况决定market share Market share variance Sales volume operational variance Manager 需要负责

7 Standard contribution per unit 16000÷400= 40/unit

8 Compare the actual with the revised budget——operational variance
Compare the revised budget with the original budget ——planning variance Standard contribution×sales volume planning variance in units of sales 40×( )=4000(A) Compare the actual with the revised budget——operational variance Standard contribution×operational sales volume variance in units 40×( )=800(F)

9 Compare the actual with the original budget ——sales volume variance
Old method Compare the actual with the original budget ——sales volume variance Standard contribution×(Budget volume – Actual volume) 40×( )= 3200(A)

10 Notice Material 要同时考虑price和usage的variance ??
Total material cost variance = material price planning variance + material usage planning variance + material price operational variance

11 The value of planning and operational variances

12 The value of planning and operational variances
Advantages Highlight variances which are controllable and which are non-controllable. Managers’ acceptance and motivation Improve planning and standard-setting processes , more accurate Reflect the actual performance Disadvantages ▲Time consuming ▲Difficult to decide the realistic standard ▲Managers resistant the very idea

13 Behavioral aspect of variance in TQM or JIT environment
Total quality management(TQM) One aspect of TQM is the concept of ’continuous improvement’. Most improvement will be fairly small , but they should be happening all the time. TQM Variance Improve continually Fixed standard inconsistent

14 Variances and a JIT environment
JIT management variance reporting Aim to Aim to Keep these inventories as low as possible reduce material price variances and production cost variance inconsistent

15 Thank YOU

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