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What is Liberalism? What are the beliefs of today’s liberals?

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1 What is Liberalism? What are the beliefs of today’s liberals?
To what extent is present-day liberalism based on individualism? What is Liberalism?

2 Understanding Individualism
Individualism – gov’t control should be limited so as not to encroach unduly on the ability of individuals to pursue their own interests and thereby achieve self-fulfillment Liberalism a form of Individualism! How about this….Liberalism is an ideology stressing individualism!!!

3 Liberalism – What is it? An ideology that is moderate and excepts gradual change They (people that believe in Liberalism) prefer reform/change Comes from the Greek word meaning FREE!! Liberalism is based upon Individualism principles.

4 Liberalism – Con’t It is a movement in support of more personal freedom & a fairer sharing of wealth and power within society Developed as a response to the abuses of power by Monarchs in Europe and stemmed from new philosophies of freedom and liberty that gained popularity during the Enlightenment Inspired both the American and French Revolutions It is classed as a “secular” (non-religious) ideology John Stuart Mill – early liberal thinker - “Only justification for gov’t to be involved in our lives was to protect individuals”.

5 Small “l” vs. Large “L” Liberals
Being a liberal (small “l”) doesn’t mean a person belongs to the Liberal Party (Large “L”) It simply means that the person agrees, supports and promotes liberal principles and ideals There are also “several brands” of liberalism (left- leaning, right-leaning, centrist) depending on peoples’ take on individualism or collectivism

6 Classical vs. Modern Liberalism
Classical – rooted in Enlightenment ideals Emphasis on freedom from government control economically and socially Individualism as singular focus Gave rise to the Industrial Revolution – 1800’s Promoted pure capitalism People to look out for themselves – no gov’t help! Lead to exploitation of workers and abusive industrialists – 1800s-early1900’s Created conditions for the Great Depression – 1920’s-30’s JS Mill, Adam Smith, John Locke, Milton Friedman as supporters Modern – evolved gradually during the Industrial Rev. and the Great Depression Individualism with elements of Collectivism Individualism still primary, but gov’ts must make laws and provide financial help to people in need – for the common good of all Allowed for labour unions and work laws for exploited workers Curbed the power of rich industrialists through new regulations on business Creation of the Welfare State Tommy Douglas, FD Roosevelt, JM Keynes as supporters

7 Principles of Modern Liberalism
Individual rights and freedoms balanced with collective rights Self interest Competition Economic freedom Private property Services provided for the common good of all Progressivism-change ushers growth Rule of Law – Law applies to Everyone Where does Liberalism fit on the Spectrum?

8 What Ideals Do Liberals Support?
Capitalism and Free Trade Limited or Constitutional Government Democracy and the “Consent of the Governed” Human Rights and equality for all (Social Justice) Public support for the less fortunate (Social Welfare)

9 Does Liberalism work in today’s world?
Modern Day liberals tend to be more supportive and accepting of more gov’t involvement in the economy because of the unsafe working conditions and labor practices of entrepreneurs

10 Can Liberals be Moderate?
Sure they can. You can have the fundamental beliefs of individualism and Liberalism and still be accepting of different more tolerant values for the common good of the people. Moderate Political Individualism – Representative Democracy Moderate Economic Individualism – creation of the Welfare State

11 What is the Welfare State ?
Based upon the belief that gov’t should take responsibility of it’s citizens and provide services and supports for those who are unable to help themselves Canadian Examples: Employment Insurance (EI) – short term income provided by the Federal Government for people who have been laid off from work Income Assistance– all provinces provide money for citizens who fall under a specified income level and for those whose circumstances prevent them from having employment

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