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(A and B) Relative (A) and mean (B) abundances of reference viral genomes across the continuum summarized by host type. (A and B) Relative (A) and mean.

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Presentation on theme: "(A and B) Relative (A) and mean (B) abundances of reference viral genomes across the continuum summarized by host type. (A and B) Relative (A) and mean."— Presentation transcript:

1 (A and B) Relative (A) and mean (B) abundances of reference viral genomes across the continuum summarized by host type. (A and B) Relative (A) and mean (B) abundances of reference viral genomes across the continuum summarized by host type. (A) The bar graph shows the relative abundances of the reference viral genomes according to their respective hosts. A succession of patterns from river to ocean is observed, where the river locations (brown), including Belém (Bel), north Macapá (NMac), south Macapá (SMac), Óbidos (Obi), and Tapajós (Tap), are dominated by viruses of eukaryotic organisms; the transitions (black), including transitions St10 and St11, show an increase in the levels of heterotrophic bacterial viruses; and the plumes (blue), including plumes St1, St3, St4, St6, and St15, possess more viruses that infect autotrophic organisms. (B) Scatterplot displaying the median abundances of sequences in samples from Amazon River (x axis) and plume (y axis). Each point represents a reference viral genome (color coded as described for panel A). The sizes of the points are inversely proportional to the false-discovery-rate (q) values, meaning that larger points display more-significant changes in abundance between the two sets of samples. Data corresponding to both axes are shown in log10 scale; the black line represents a 1:1 ratio. Bruno S. de O. Silva et al. mSphere 2017; doi: /mSphere

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