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Extraoral Radiographic Techniques

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1 Extraoral Radiographic Techniques
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

2 Lateral jaw projection to demonstrate body of mandible
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

3 Lateral jaw projection to demonstrate ramus of mandible
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

4 PA Mandible Projection
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

5 PA Skull Projection Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

6 Lateral Skull Projection
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

7 Lateral cephalometric projection
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

8 Posterioanterior cephalometeric projection
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

9 Radiograph of water’s view Open- mouth water’s view
Standard water’s view Radiograph of water’s view Open- mouth water’s view Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

10 PA projection Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

11 SMV projection Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

12 One half of a four shot series for a panoramic TMJ radiograph
Panoramic view of the condyle is not truly lateral but slightly rotated Close Open One half of a four shot series for a panoramic TMJ radiograph Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

13 Transcranial TMJ projection
Patient’s head rotated Transcranial TMJ projection The cassette rotated away from the patient midsagittal Transpharyngeal TMJ projectoin Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

14 Transorbital TMJ projection
Dr. Sana’a Al-Qasab

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