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Member Activities Report April, 2000

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1 Member Activities Report April, 2000
Kazuhiro Kosuge Vice President for Member Activities

2 Outline 1999 IEEE Membership Statistics RAS Membership Status
Actions in Steps for Membership Development

3 1999 IEEE Membership Statistics
The total number of membership for December year-end was 352,259, an increase of 5.2% over December 1998. Three fastest growing regions; 10 (17.8%), 9(12.3%) and 8(10.8%) All ten regions had positive membership growth in 1999. 65% of the membership reside in US and 35% reside outside of US. Student Membership was 53,270, an increase of 7.8%. 55% is from outside of US. Society Membership totaled 398,029, an increase of 2.7% over December 1998.

4 Membership in Division X

5 Membership of RAS (Detailed Data of 1999 is not available at this moment.)

6 Membership of RAS (Detailed Data of 1999 is not available at this moment.)

7 RAS Membership

8 Other Societies in Division X

9 RAS Membership RAS had increased its Membership from 1997 through 1999. Membership of other societies in division X except SMC lost their members as of the end of March 2000 in this year. The growth of the membership of RAS seems to be slowed this year judging from the data of January through March.

10 Membership and Admission Committee(proposal)
to activate the Membership and Admission Committee listed in RAS Bylaws to take strategic actions for continuous increase of our membership.

11 Organization of Member Activities Board (from Bylaws)
According to the Bylaws of our society, the member activities board consists of the chairmen of the Award and Fellow Nomination Committee, the Fellow Evaluation Committee, the International Affairs Committee, and the Membership and Admission Committee plus three(3) additional members appointed by the VP for Member Activities.

12 Chairmen of Standing Committees (from Bylaws)
Chairmen of Standing Committees shall be appointed for one-year term by the President -Elect with the concurrence of the AdCom.

13 Actions in 2000~2001 Strategic membership development through conferences Encourage Chapter creation and Student Branch Chapter creation and Maintain them (International Affairs Committee)

14 Steps of Membership Development through Conferences
Target a region or a country where a large conference will be held. Hold a small meeting about one year before the conference to encourage creation of chapters and recruit new members. Recruit new members before the conference registration, say, when they submit papers. Expand membership at the conference and after the conference.

15 Membership Development Tools
IEEEXplore Nominate a Senior Member Program (to be continued in 2000)

16 IEEEXplore IEEEXplore provides subscribers full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards. FREE TO ALL: Tables of contents of IEEE transactions, journals, magazines, conference proceedings and standards are accessible to everyone. IEEE MEMBERS: IEEE members are able to search and access all IEEE abstract/citation records and articles from IEEE Spectrum Magazine free with IEEE membership. You also have access to your online personal subscriptions (known as OPeRA). Service started from March 1, 2000 (currently the service is suspended because of trouble of the web at IEEE).

17 Nominate a Senior Member Program
Societies and Sections who participate in the program can earn $10.00 for Senior Members they nominate who are elevated before the end of 2000. Retention among Senior Member grade is 98% compared to an 88.5% retention rate in Member Grade.

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