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A Streamlined Approach for R&G Approvals

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1 A Streamlined Approach for R&G Approvals

2 A Streamlined Approach for R&G Approvals
Presentation notes: Consensus that there was too much bureaucracy Before starting a project a range of permissions and approvals from regulatory bodies can be required Involves multiple forms, many of which require the same or similar information Now regulators working on single system enter details information for all Incremental approach being taken – first stage brought together information for ethics and R&D review into “Site Specific Information Form” – this was launched in January 2007 Second stage was the development, under the auspices of the UKCRC, of the integrated system (called the Integrated Research Application System, IRAS) involves all these different organisations listed. IRAS was launched in January 2008 A critical element of this programme of work is the linkage with other related and streamlining activities such as: Harmonised approach to NHS R&D permission (NIHR Coordinated System for NHS Permissions (NIHR CSP), MRAD/ComMRAD etc) Information Systems (e.g. NIHR portal) Also: UKCRC R&G Advice Service Model agreements Research Passport Further information IRAS can be found at: Please see the UKCRC web pages on streamlining information requirements for R&G approvals: Press release about the launch of IRAS: Brochure giving further information about IRAS: Or contact the UKCRC secretariat at phone +44 (0)

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