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CRATERS AND IMPACTS SAST2. Students will describe the scientific view of the origin of the universe, the evolution of matter and the development of resulting.

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Presentation on theme: "CRATERS AND IMPACTS SAST2. Students will describe the scientific view of the origin of the universe, the evolution of matter and the development of resulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRATERS AND IMPACTS SAST2. Students will describe the scientific view of the origin of the universe, the evolution of matter and the development of resulting celestial objects. c. Compare and contrast the major properties of the components of our solar system.

2 Observations…What could you infer about the age based on the craters
Observations…What could you infer about the age based on the craters? What parts are oldest? Youngest?

3 What can we learn from cratering?
1. the age of the surface 2. how the surface of the planet has evolved over time 3. how the planets are similar and how they are different


5 Size-frequency plot More craters per unit area = older surface
We can also look at how often each size crater occurs in an area


7 How often does this happen?
This crater is 225 km in diameter.


9 Moon Ejecta

10 How a crater forms— energy transformations
Energy of the projectile changes forms when it hits the surface. The kinetic energy of the projectile heat & light & moving land

11 What are the stages of cratering?

12 The Anatomy of a Crater

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