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Administrative Affairs Update Budget Updates

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1 Administrative Affairs Update Budget Updates
One training session remains: Thursday, March 21st 9:00-12:30 Open format sessions allow Budget Office members to guide users through the budget process, address concerns One-on-one meetings still available for end-users Year-end memo distributed identifying Financial Services cutoff dates Note that dates are System-driven! Year-end Budget Transfers – please don’t wait! Year-end timeline for Project Code requests Similar to prior years

2 Revenue Budgeting Guidance from UW-System regarding Revenue Budgeting on PR (128/136) funds Per System, Revenues do not have to equal expenses – “truth in budgeting” UW-W Budget Office encourages units to budget all revenue and expense activity Not all revenue will be budgeted in this round – ex Tuition/Seg Fees Units with historical revenues exceeding expenses should try to capture that activity EX - a new program is created without budgeted expenses, units should try to capture both revenues and expenses in their budget submission Contact Budget Office with questions

3 UWW Shuttle Bus

4 UWW Shuttle Bus Services
Bus operates Monday through Friday, 6 times daily to UW-Rock County and Van Galder/Coach USA. Web site: Bus service is provided to UWW students working part time at the Whitewater Industrial Park with stops Monday through Friday at 4:00PM, 8:00PM and midnight Bus service provides intercampus mail courier service to UW-Rock County as part of campus interoffice system: information available on shuttle web link Shuttle buses are equipped with WiFi connectivity for riders Riders who “opt-in” for notifications at are provided announcements about bus service delays, suspensions or schedule changes Shuttle bus service brochures are available at the UWW Visitor’s Center, University Center Information Counter, UW-Rock County Administration Office, and Blackhawk Tech Information Center

5 Bus Services Connections Janesville Transit System (JTS)
UWW Shuttle Service Bus Janesville Transit System (JTS) Blackhawk Tech Bus Service (BTC) Van Galder/Coach USA Bus Visitor’s Center Van Galder to Madison Warhawk Shuttle Route Van Galder to Milwaukee Van Galder to Chicago Airports Van Galder to Rockford Rock County

6 #4 We will strengthen our resources.
Plan Description Objective 1: We will optimize the use of our resources and expand and diversify our sources of revenue. Primary Action: We are responsible for managing our resources and identifying opportunities for improvements in aligning budgets to our strategic plan. We invest in programs to develop new revenue sources in strategic areas, such as auxiliary operations, nonresident tuition, external grants and contracts, continuing education and self-support programs, and philanthropy. Here’s How: By changing our budget practices we better understand our resources which results in improved decision making. Determine the best ways to optimize institutional revenue potential by analyzing possibilities that include specific enrollment categories and combinations, institutional capacity, nonresident tuition and remissions, scholarships, outreach activities, partnerships, gifts, external grants and contracts, etc.; set targets to focus efforts and track results. Key Performance Indicator Examples: Expenditures are aligned with budgets and new revenue generating activities are implemented. KPI # of Budgets on Track (balanced) = Risk # “Optimizing Resources” #Departments/Units Dept. Risk # KPI New Programs Revenue $ = Output “Diversify Revenue” Expense to operate $ ROI

7 #4 We will strengthen our resources.
Objective 2: We will enhance our operational efficiency and effectiveness. Primary Action: Make operational improvements to ensure alignment with student needs, university priorities, institutional capacity, and UW System’s CORE project on efficiencies in budget systems, human resources, information technology, and procurement. Here’s How: Review organizational policies, processes, and efficiencies in operations that could include areas such as student transactions, facilities, budget systems, human resources, information technology, and procurement to identify priority areas for improvement; develop a plan for improvements across all areas over time. Key Performance Indicator Examples: Increased operational efficiencies based on the establishment of baseline data on identified improvement areas. KPI “Reducing Complexity” Process X # of steps removed XX % Removed # of steps (current) = 30 min saved x 300 transactions per year = 150 hours redirected Other KPIs: Satisfaction increases, cost savings, improved audits and other rating mechanisms

8 Customer Council March 18, 2019

9 What is UW-Shared Services?
UW-Shared Services will be a consolidated administrative service organization to deliver scalable operational services to UW System customers. Services will prioritize areas where the comprehensive universities can become more efficient by standardizing processes or consolidating effort. The priority areas involved will be information technology, human resources, and procurement, with a service focus on the comprehensive universities. Participation in some of the services will be optional, while others will be mandatory, as the business case warrants. Transaction time, accuracy, cost, staffing, internal controls, and security can all be improved by standardizing and consolidating processes Agenda Item: Introduction to UW-Shared Services

10 Shared Services Come in a variety of forms
Transactions - Performing a series of actions and interactions for the benefit of a customer (i.e. payroll, benefits processing) Technology - Providing a set of technology systems and tools to support or manage a service (i.e. learning management tool, collaboration tool) Support - Responding to a customer’s specific needs (i.e. Help Desk support, Call Center) Standards - Maintaining a set of policies, principles, practices, and procedures to ensure consistency and repeatability (i.e. procedures for developing an RFP) Training - Teaching users across the University of Wisconsin System how to perform a particular action or behavior (i.e. compliance training, diversity training) Agenda Item: Introduction to UW-Shared Services

11 Socialization Timeline
Jan. 9, 2019 Roadmap Customer Council Jan SME Councils Introduction Jan. 28-Feb. 1 SME Councils Discussion Jan. 31 Chief Business Officers Feb. 6 Provosts Feb. 13 Service Definitions Feb SME Councils Mar. 5 Provosts & Chief Business Officers Mar. 8 Approved by Exec. Director Mar. 12 Approved by Vice President Mar. 22 Planned: Check-in with Chancellors Planned: Approved by President

12 Service Definition Summary
PARTICIPATION FUNDING MODEL FORMS Mandatory Optional Base Blended Chargeback Actions Standards Support HUMAN RESOURCES Benefits Data Management * Mandatory Employee Training Investigations Criminal Background Checks Retirement Readiness INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Security Operations Network Standardization Hardware Purchasing Student Information Systems Telecommunications BUSINESS SERVICES Procurement Training Contracting Requests for Bids Requests for Proposals Requests for Purchasing Authority * Mandatory service participation in Benefits Data Management includes MSN and MIL.

13 Process Improvement Advisory Team (PIAT)
Intro Image represents the continuous process improvement program as a whole Explanation of the Image Our methodology informs the way our Process Improvement Team and the larger Administrative Affairs Division communicates and shapes ideas for change The QAIM develops potential solutions for further exploration, and helps facilitate the “creative process” The Process Improvement Team helps refine our project ideas, and decide their precedence, by providing valuable end-user feedback These meetings foster increased inter-departmental communications and create a platform for collaborative opportunity We leverage our in-house experience and talent to execute on our ideas and make them a reality Explanation of the Process We start by identifying opportunities for change We evaluate the resources we have We map out the process, review it with the team, and re-map the process accordingly Finally, we make it “stick” by developing guidelines and spreading awareness of these revised practices Process Improvement Advisory Team (PIAT) Methodology Incremental Change Process Mapping Written Procedure Communicate the value Team Process Improvement Advisory Team AA Initiatives Administrative Affairs’ Role in the Pipeline Execution # Projects Completed # Projects in Progress

14 Process Improvement Advisory Team (PIAT)
Join the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 10:30 a.m. through 12:30 p.m. in UC259 for a meet and greet opportunity to share and discuss process improvement ideas!

15 Reporting Waste, Fraud & Abuse
You may file a report via one of the following ways: The University of Wisconsin System has selected the Network to provide you with a simple and anonymous way to report activities that may involve misconduct or violations of University policy. You can file a report by accessing the UW System online form, or by dialing (855) Also available is the Legislative Audit Bureau's (LAB) Fraud, Waste and Mismanagement Hotline, which can be contacted by dialing (877) Ethics Officer, Vice Chancellor Grace Crickette.  She can be reached by telephone at (262) and/or Chief Human Resources Officer, Janelle Crowley.  She can be reached by telephone at (262) and/or

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