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Dual Credit: Speech SPCH Speech Communication

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1 Dual Credit: Speech SPCH 1311 - Speech Communication
SPCH Business & Professional Communication

2 Course Overview SPCH 1311 - Introduction to Speech Communication
Introduces basic human communication principles and theories embedded in a variety of contexts including interpersonal, small group, and public speaking. SPCH Business and Professional Communication Study and application of communication within the business and professional context. Special emphasis will be given to communication competencies in presentations, dyads, teams, and technologically mediated formats. Additionally, it includes the relationship of communication to organizational conflict, management and international business; practice in conducting and participating in business interviews and presentations.

3 Degree Plan Examples BS in Computer Science (Texas A&M) - yr. 2
Core Curriculum - Texas Tech BA in Business Administration (UNT) University Curriculum - SMU

4 Learning Activities SPCH 1311 - Speech Comm Informative Presentation
Persuasive Presentation Impromptu Intercultural and Nonverbal Communication Analysis Paper SPCH Business & Professional Informative Presentation Persuasive Presentation Cover Letter, Resumes, References Leadership and Small Group Mock Job Interview

5 Dual Credit: Speech SPCH 1311 - Speech Communication
SPCH Business & Professional Communication

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