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Presentation on theme: "COMPETITIVE DEFENSE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dave LeGrow

3 Format of the Class Notes and Handouts Exercises Interactive: Questions and Challenges Permitted? Expected? Required!

4 Maxims Never... Underlead an ace in a suit contract Lead an unsupported ace Lie to your partner in your discarding Always... Lead partner's bid suit Lead 4th from longest and strongest vs. NT Cover an honor with an honor Split honors Play second hand low Play third hand high When you don't know what to lead, lead trump

5 "Partner, why did you ________________________"

6 Defense is Hard Work Observation Counting Each suit Honor Points Deduction and Inference Distribution Location of Honor Cards The Concept of Negative Inference

7 The Role of Bidding in Defense
Calls to Guide the Defense Calls to Crowd the Auction Calls to Force the Opposition Higher Calls to Find Productive Sacrifice Contracts

8 Visualization: Developing and Refining a Picture of All Hands
Channeling Declarer (What is That?) Clues from the Bidding Information from Partner's Opening Lead Presentation of Dummy Declarer's Plays Partner's Plays and Signals

9 Visualization - 1 Neither side vulnerable... South (You)  K Q T 3  7 3  A 7 4 The bidding proceeds (your partner passes throughout): West North East South 1♣ Pass 1♦ Pass 1♥ Pass 4♥ Pass Pass Pass

10 Visualization - 2 Neither side vulnerable... South (You)  K Q T 3  7 3  A 7 4 The bidding proceeds: West North East South ♥ 2♦ Dbl Pass 2♠ Pass Pass ?

11 Visualization - 3 Neither side vulnerable... South (You)  K Q T 3  7 3  A 7 4 The bidding proceeds: West North East South ♦ Pass 1NT Pass 2♥ Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass

12 If Opening Leader or Dummy, Predict Declarer's Hand;
Otherwise, predict Opening Leader's Hand Board: _______ Prediction: Actual: ♠ ♠ ♥ ♥ ♦ ♦  

13 Making Percentage Plays
Assume Opponents are in the Proper Contract - Unless...

14 Intermission

15 The Importance of Leads
Opening Leads Leads During the Defense

16 Being Prepared for the Obvious Play; Keeping Tempo

17 Preparedness Bidding: (South) 1♣ - Pass - 1♦ - Pass - 1♥ - Pass - 4♥ - Pass - Pass - Pass. You lead ♠K and play proceeds with declarer winning the ♠A. Declarer studies the dummy for 10 seconds, and leads... North  J 6 5  K Q 8 6  K J 8 5  K 4 West (You) East  K Q T 3  4  7 3   A 7 4    South (Declarer)  A

18 Patience on Defense Breaking New Suits: Pros and Cons Lost Trick Exchanged for Discard(s) Honors take Honors Avoid Taking (Optional) Tricks Without a Lead in Mind

19 Patience Bidding: (South) 1♣ - Pass - 1♦ - Pass – 1♥ - Pass - 4♥ - Pass – Pass - Pass. You lead ♠K and play proceeds with declarer winning the ♠A. Declarer studies the dummy for 10 seconds, and leads... North  9 4  K J 8 6  K Q J 5  Q 7 4 West (You) East  K Q T 3  5  7 3   A   J 5 2  South (Declarer)  A

20 Deduction Without opposition, the opponents have bid to a contract of 4♠. You lead the ♥A; your partner plays the ♥8 (standard carding). What card do you play next? Why? North  K 9 7 4  J 7 5  K 8 5  A 8 6 West East  6 3   A K  8    K Q 5  South  3

21 The Significance of Every Card
What is a high card / low card in a suit? Missing cards

22 Only Disclose Information Of More Value to Your Partner

23 The Good Partner Dilemma (Brilliance vs. Teamwork)
(Choose carefully…)

24 Defense is hard work Defensive bidding is critical Visualization - Develop and refine a picture of all hands Make percentage plays Be prepared for the obvious play; play in tempo You need to practice patience on defense Every card you play and every card your partner plays is significant Only disclose information of more value to your partner than to declarer When faced with a choice between being brilliant and being a good partner...


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