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WIGOS Implementation in Turkey
Workshops on WIGOS and AMDAR Programme 2-3 October 2018, Minsk-Belarus ERCAN BÜYÜKBAŞ Head of Observing Systems Department Turkish State Meteorological Service
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
1.Management of WIGOS implementation TSMS with full authority and responsibility for making the meteorological observations Developing and implementing the N-WIP in accordance with WIP and R-WIP-VI Programme for redesign and establishment of integrated national observing network is under execution Preparing and implementing its strategic plans in line with the WIGOS concept and technical regulations Cooperating with universities, research institutions, private sector and other governmental agencies A proposal for the protection of observing sites submitted to the parliament Strong and close cooperation with national frequency allocation authority for the allocation and protection of the frequency needed for observing systems Supporting RA-VI, Technical Commissions, working groups, expert teams and task teams Developing and operating WMO Radar Database (WRD)
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
2. Collaboration with the WMO co-sponsored observing systems and international partner organizations and programmes Supporting WMO co-sponsored observing systems and international partner organizations and programmes Making coordination between these organizations/programmes with national agencies Good cooperation with ECMWF and EUMETSAT Initiatives for participation EUMETNET programmes (E-AMDAR) Implemented the project succesfuly in cooperation with EUMETSAT and TİKA providing data from satellites for 5 countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
3. Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS component observing systems Having regulations for determining and interpreting the national requirements for observations Implementing a dynamic process for determining the national requirements for observations Considering the regional and global observational data requirement Taking into account the WMO regulations and recommendations, WMO application areas, all related technical documents, guidance material and EGOS-IP Making regular consultation with internal and external users to review and to meet their observational data requirements Following and implementing the technological development as well as international regulations at observing network Establishment of integrated observing network with different observing system components
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
Requirement based Observations Accurate Reliable Continuous Timely Essential and indispensible input for any process of meteorological products and services Accessible/Usable
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
Where? Why and Which parameters? Observations What type of instruments? How to transmit the data? How to operate/ maintain the network? Information Technology Cooperation
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
3. Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS component observing systems In order to meet the requirements for meteorological service and products: Surface observation network Marine observation network Upper air observation network Remote Sensing Systems
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
OBSERVATION NETWORK of TSMS Total Investment for Supply: EURO Operational Cost/Year: Euro 1634 AWS 74 Airport AWS 83 Marine AWS 1781 OMGİ 20 Radar 17 C-Band 1 Mobile X-Band 2 Hf Marine Radar 41 Lightning Detection Station 10 Upper Air Station 1862 Obs. Sys.
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
4. Observing System Operation and Maintenance Well developed operation and maintenance policy Regional based organizational structure supported from center for preventive and corrective maintenance Development of national database for metadata Review and update of the information of Turkey’s stations in OSCAR Making laboratory calibration at certain interval for each particular observing system A web based real time status and maintenance monitoring tool for observing network Carrying out regular training activities for the local experts every year.
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
4. Observing System Operation and Maintenance Process and instructions for network maintenance and station maintenance should be defined based on: Preventive/Periodical maintenance Corrective maintenance Calibration
SENSORS MAINTENANCE CALIBRATION OPERATIONAL CHECK/CLEANING TEST AND CONTROL DAILY 2 WEEKS 1 MONTH 3-MONTH 1 YEAR 6-MONTH 2-YEAR Temp.& Humidity (U) (O)/(M) (O)/(T) (T) Grass Temperature Wind Speed Wind Direction Precipitation Runway Temp. Pressure Transmissometer Ceilometer Present Weather Soil Temperatures Soil Moisture Pyranometer Pryheliometer Sunshine Duration UV-A and B Radiation Disdrometer Lightning Detection Weather Radar (U)/(O) HF marine radar Environ.n equipment (O) Radiosonde station (O) (daily) Note: (U): Performed by the Users of the system (local or from central office) (O): Performed by the local Operator(s) of the system (T): Performed by the trained Technicians (local or from central office) (M): Manned stations
Key Activity Areas/Turkey Operation and Maintenance Information System
Real time monitoring of network operational status, Analysing of the performance of the systems and staff, Planning and monitoring of the maintenance, repairing and calibration works Management of spare part inventory 4. Observing System Operation and Maintenance
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
5. Quality Management Applying Quality Management System (QMS) (ISO 9001:2008) Developing and implementing a Quality Control process for all observational data Operating a calibration centre, RIC for RA-VI, with accreditation according to ISO 17025 Having documentation of the operation and maintenance processes of observing systems in accordance with QMS Defining and applying special preventive and corrective maintenance instructions for each system Inserting all activities in a web based programme and monitoring in electronic medium Certified by Turkish Statistics Institute with a certificate of “Meteorological Climate Statistics Certificate” because of providing high quality climate statistical data for the users.
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
TSMS has a very well designed and equipped calibration center with 8 calibration laboratories. 5. Quality Management Working by providing tracebility (TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 ) Accredited Laboratories (TS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005) Temperature Relative humidity Pressure Wind speed Precipitation Solar radiation Electrical Wind direction
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
6. Standardization and interoperability Operating observing systems and making observations almost fully comply with WMO standard and recommended practices and procedures for instruments and methods observation. Implementing the process for the classification of the observing stations according to CIMO site classification scheme and CIMO Guide Fulfilling all obligations, (recognized as DCPC) standards and applications, and following the procedures of WIS Managing a central database for processing, archiving and disseminating the all observatioonal data
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
7.WIGOS Information Resource Utilizing from the existing WIR Developing and operating WRD Completion of reviewing all meteorological data inventory, and updating existing metadata records, Checking the registered observational systems available in OSCAR/Surface Operating a central database to archive, manage and access the metadata Recording metadata with the inclusion of history and environmental conditions of station, type and purpose of the observation, instruments used, preventive and corrective maintenance records, observer’s information. Having a centralized operational information system with the required features for collecting, processing, archiving and disseminating the observational data
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
8. Data discovery and availability (data and metadata) Fulfilling all obligations, standards and applications, and following the procedures of WIS Recognized as Data Collection and Production Center (DCPC) for WIS information exchange by WMO Congress in June 2015 Adopted the new WIS standards and practices in accordance with the amendments provided by the WMO Collecting and archiving observational data of other organizations , no activity yet for these data to be discoverable and accessible through WIS. No barrier at National level for contribution and accessing observations via GTS and/or WIS Giving permission to Institutions, Universities and Governmental Organizations to access all observational data in case of any request
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
9. Capacity development Implementing a modernization programme of observing network since 2001 Carrying out data management process including collecting, archiving and exchanging the observational data Trying to implement WIGOS framework at national level with its allocated resources for the modernization programme of observing network Organizing national and international training courses on observing systems Cooperation with other Members (consultancy service, system installation, maintenance, etc.)
Key Activity Areas/Turkey
10. Communications and outreach Issuing the strategic planning and activities report including observing systems to the public from the official web site of TSMS. Submitting the observational data to the public in near-real time basis on the official web site of TSMS with a remark of unapplied quality control checks. Maintaining good relationships with internal and external key target audiences Making sectoral based analysis for understanding the needs of key target audiences Evaluation of the results of regular survey and feedback from the users Supporting the R&D studies on observing systems
Conclusion Still need for the improvement of the awareness on WIGOS at the other agencies at national level Reaction from not only private agencies but also from public agencies to involve in national WIGOS umbrella National and institutional data policies have been causing problems for the efficient implementation of WIGOS More effort is needed for improvement of data quality Metadata should be updated whenever is needed Lack of sufficient financial and human resources
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