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Shakespeare Info Assumed to be born April 23, 1564 Died April 23, 1616

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1 Shakespeare Info Assumed to be born April 23, 1564 Died April 23, 1616
christened April 25 Died April 23, 1616 Married to Anne Hathaway Susanna and twins, Hamnet and Judith Shakespeare’s plays are about passion, power, war, violence, political ambition, dysfunctional families, and love

2 Shakespeare Info Cont…
Plays were written in days and actors were given only a week to rehearse, at best. “Groundlings” were the poor who paid a penny. Rich people paid two pennies and sometimes another for a cushion Plays performed in the daytime to use daylight Theatres often had to close due to outbreaks of the plague.

3 Shakespeare Info cont…
London officials were against the theatre because it lured workers away from their jobs and spread the plague. Also, there were many pickpockets and hookers in the audience. “Master of the Revels” closed down theaters due to “moral diseases” and the plague. Costumes were clothes from wealthy people. (Purple cloth was illegal for anyone below the rank of Duke or Duchess to wear – required smashing of thousands of sea snails)

4 Shakespeare Info Cont…
No bathrooms – people (hopefully) stepped outside. Audiences did not hear every word or understand every word. Shakespeare tells audience what will happen and explains what just occurred. Romeo and Juliet is extraordinary because it is both a comedy and a tragedy. Shakespeare is credited with being the first playwright of this time period to combine the elements for increased emotion and poignancy.


6 Queen Elizabeth History
“The Virgin Queen” Loved the theater Never married Not particularly beautiful Many offers of marriage and very much a romantic Put the needs of England first and was careful to keep alliances, etc. Born 1553 died 1603


8 Elizabethan England

9 Typical Outfits

10 Social Ranking “Dignity”

11 The Globe

12 Other Interesting Facts
Men portrayed female characters, because women had very few rights. Marriages were often arranged. Ages would vary significantly. I’ve seen many numbers from as early as to mid twenties. Varied for many reasons. The Mortality rate was very low for infants and young children. If you made it to 14, you were probably going to live through adulthood. About 40%, didn’t make it.

13 Other Interesting Facts
Plague and Influenza – these two diseases were responsible for killing thousands of people across Europe during the time of Shakespeare. They were everyday concerns. Violence – there was always a threat of violence. Riots broke out all the time, and feuds were a big deal. War between religious groups (Protestants and Catholics) was common as well. Not an all out war, but small and bloody battles were normal. Street Fighting EQ



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