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@dementia_IM @interactivemeuk

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1 @dementia_IM @interactivemeuk

2 What is interactiveMe? Multi-award winning app and service focused on improving quality in your 1-1 care delivery home A key way to differentiate your proposition and build occupancy A tool for personalised activity delivery A reporting service to provide the CQC with evidence of compliance to Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs)

3 Key benefits Bring life stories and meaningful activity to the centre of how staff support their residents Support meaningful 1-1 interaction particularly for residents who are at risk of social isolation Reduce behaviours that challenge in dementia care Provides valuable evidence of compliance to specific CQC KLOEs Creates better relationships between staff and residents. Engages with families and enables families who can not visit frequently to engage in their loved one’s care

4 How interactiveMe evidences to KLOES
Caring C1, C1.3, C1.4 Effective E1.3, E2, E2.1, E2.3, E4.1 Responsive R1, R1.1, R1.2, R1.3, R1.4, R1.6 Well Led W4.6, W5.2

5 How interactiveMe has improved a CQC report 2018 (Good-Outstanding)

6 Manager feedback It’s making a huge positive difference to my staff and our residents. There are more smiles! One lady came from another home who does not verbally communicate and gets quite upset and distressed. After using interactiveMe for 15 minutes her presentation completely changed. She was smiling, laughing and engaged really well When this resident is in a place of illbeing; shouting out and being quite distressed, this has been making a real difference to her mood. @dementia_IM

7 Manager feedback @dementia_IM
interactiveMe is proving particularly useful for supporting residents who are at risk of social isolation in their own rooms The team talk directly with our family members. They gather so much information about the person, we would not have the time to do it ourselves. This service has given us such added value to what we offer. Families are really engaged It’s great that interactiveMe staff are actively involved in training and supporting our staff on an ongoing basis. This helps our residents get the most out of the system @dementia_IM

8 Family and user feedback
I’ve had a great time today. Thank you for sitting with me This has given me some purpose during a time when I felt unsure of how I could help Mum now that her dementia has gotten worse This has given me some purpose during a time when I felt unsure of how I could help Mum now that her dementia has gotten worse I’ve had a great time today. Thank you for sitting with me This was so personal. When I first saw it I was quite overwhelmed This is such a great resource for us as families but also for the care staff here This is such a great resource for us as families but also for the care staff here This is so nice to use when I visit Dad. It helps us with something to do. Thank you Dad still really loves music. This has enabled him to listen to it more frequently which cheers him up @dementia_IM

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