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Testing inside of Kubernetes and Openshift

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1 Testing inside of Kubernetes and Openshift
Yegor Maksymchuk, Soft Serve, Ukraine Testing inside of Kubernetes and Openshift

2 Agenda Benefits of Openshift
Automation of deployment in Openshift Fabric8-kubernetes-client, XTF, radanalytics-utils as libraries for Java

3 whoami Yegor Maksymchuk Senior AQC engineer, Soft Serve Ukraine
GitHub: YegorMaksymchuk LinkedIn: ymaksymchuk

4 Data Science in the Cloud

5 OSHINKO Why ? Integration with Apache Spark in the Openshift.
Usability on UI and API level, it should be easy to use. OSHINKO

6 Example oc cluster up oc new-project xpdays-demo
oc create -f oc create -f oc new-app oshinko-webui oshinko create xpdays-spark-cluster oshinko get xpdays-spark-cluster oc new-app --template=$namespace/apache-zeppelin-openshift \ param=APPLICATION_NAME=apache-zeppelin \ param=GIT_URI= \ param=ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETERS=md

7 Problems More than 10 application under test.
Tests should not be run, in case bad deployment. All application works in Openshift.

8 Solutions Possible solutions: Our choice: Bash scripts Java
Ansible scripts Jenkins Openshift plugin Java or Python for tests Our choice: Java Fabric8-k8s-client Kubernetes and Openshift Rest API

9 Kubernetes: Architecture

10 Kubernetes:POD apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-demo
labels: spec: containers: - name: pod-demo image: yemax/pod-demo:1 ports: - containerPort: 8081 Base entity inK8s. It is group of one or more containers with shared storage/network, and a specification for how to run the containers. Containers within a pod share an IP address and port space, and can find each other via localhost.

11 Kubernetes:Namespace
{ "kind": "Namespace", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "development", "labels": { "name": "development" } Namespace - grouping entities, provide shared resources. Not security K8s user see all nemaspace. Node same as workers same as Minions - it vm or physical servers, what managed be k8s master.

12 Kubernetes: Replica Sets
ReplicaSet is the next-generation Replication Controller. The only difference between a ReplicaSet and a Replication Controller right now is the selector support. ReplicaSet supports the new set-based selector requirements as described in the labels user guide whereas a Replication Controller only supports equality-based selector requirements. About labels and selectors, we will talk later when starting with deployment from java code demo.

13 K8s: Deployment DC - it is main entity what responsible for creation a Replica Set, and include information about what POD should be created by RS.

14 Kubernetes: Ingress This entity responsible for a connect external traffic to service. It is a Ngenix WebServer with special rule suite. Or An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services.

15 Openshift



18 Openshift


20 Openshift


22 s2i-lighttpd/ Dockerfile – This is a standard Dockerfile where we’ll define the builder image Makefile – a helper script for building and testing the builder image test/ run – test script, testing if the builder image works correctly test-app/ – directory for your test application .s2i/bin/ assemble – script responsible for building the application run – script responsible for running the application save-artifacts – script responsible for incremental builds, covered in a future article usage – script responsible for printing the usage of the builder image

23 Fabric8

24 Fabric8 Fabric8 maven plugin Fabric8 Platform for Dev\Testing and CI

25 Fabric8


27 Fabric8

28 Useful materials:


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