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With high involvement transformational strategies, a strong emotional response is needed with which the target must personally identify, and this advert.

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Presentation on theme: "With high involvement transformational strategies, a strong emotional response is needed with which the target must personally identify, and this advert."— Presentation transcript:

1 With high involvement transformational strategies, a strong emotional response is needed with which the target must personally identify, and this advert for Australia is a great example for anyone considering a holiday in Australia

2 Collaborative Online International Learning COIL

3 Where shall we go today ? What is COIL ? How does COIL work ?
What COIL Project is on offer right now ? How does the Project work and what will I do ? How is the project assessed ? What’s in it for me ? Questions….

4 What is COIL ? Collaborative projects involving students from different countries and cultures Online channels and resources are used to enable student team members to communicate and work together effectively on common projects International projects which focus on specific challenges common to countries and cultures involved Learning about other cultures, ways of working, communicating, and delivering project results together as one international team

5 Where shall we go today ? What is COIL ?
SUNY COIL Centre promotes global engagement through the global COIL Partner Network Two members of the Partner Network are The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, and the RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia

6 Where shall we go today ? What is COIL ?
Students develop a high level of intercultural awareness and understanding through the focus on international collaboration and project work Students develop an understanding of the ways in which different cultures address a key marketing, media, or communications issue Students experience how cultural groups communicate within their own geographic space, and engage and communicate impactfully with others Project Teams include students from different time zones, so a flexible approach is needed, as found with international activities within professional practice.

7 Where shall we go today ? How does COIL work ?
Two partner institutions develop a COIL Project Specification Projects are usually focused on a specific clients Course Coordinators and Course Facilitators are appointment by both institutions The Project is introduced to prospective students Teams are formed and the Project initiated Students take ownership of and manage their own project PROJECT SPEC STAFF TEAMS EXECUTE

8 Where shall we go today ? What COIL Project is on offer right now ?
Project: Crafting Public Relations (PR) materials to support the marketing of Study Abroad Programs offered by the RMIT University Melbourne, Australia and the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, The Netherlands Discover and understand the information requirements for specific stakeholder groups involved in the development of, and participation in, the target study abroad programmes Apply tools and techniques to gain knowledge and understanding of the intercultural differences which exist between the appropriate target audiences Research the various messaging styles, positioning techniques, and execution strategies required to position the necessary Public Relations communications to the appropriate target audiences Work in an international team with participants based in at two geographically distinct areas Deliver Public Relations content to successfully support the marketing of target study abroad programmes to the appropriate target audiences, and presentation to appropriate stakeholders

9 Who will Coordinate and Facilitate the course ?
Paul Williams, Course Coordinator, Institute for Communication, University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands Sally Parrott, Course Coordinator, School of Vocational Business Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Ivonne Louw-Dekker, Course Facilitator, Institute for Communication, University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands Alain Grossbard, Course Facilitator, School of Vocational Business Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Where shall we go today ? How does the Project work and what will I do ? PROJECT PLAN AND DELIVERABLES 1 Team Contract, Code of Conduct, & Team Biography (weeks 1-2) 2 Research report on intercultural communication (weeks 3-6) 3 Public Relations packages for use by each university (weeks 7-12) 4 Report and personal reflection on intercultural (weeks 13-14) 5 Presentation of packages to stakeholders 6 Recognition

11 Where shall we go today ? How is the project assessed ?
Weekly meeting with your respective Course Facilitator Formal feedback on each assignment Assessment rubric (see Course Specification) Recognition

12 Where shall we go today ? Stakeholders ?
Specific stakeholders considered for the project can include: Students Course Facilitators and Course Coordinators University marketing departments responsible for marketing of the study abroad programmes Study Abroad Programme coordinators Prospective student populations at each university which make up the target audiences who are the intended recipients for the Public Relations (PR) packages

13 “Students…prepare for assessment !” Leonidas
Course Assignments ? Details will be announced at the beginning of the course, the assignments build throughout the project Assignments (4) cover several aspects of Marketing and Marketing Communication within the content of international cooperative learning The assignments are worth 100% of the course assessment

14 Where shall we go today ? What’s in it for me ?
Gain a high level of intercultural awareness and understanding through the focus on international collaboration and project work Gain understanding of the ways in which different cultures address a key marketing, media, or communications issue Experience how cultural groups communicate within their own geographic space, and engage and communicate impactfully with others Exposure to students from different time zones in a collaborative project environment reflective of professional practice

15 Where shall we go today ? What’s in it for me ?
Unique international learning experience Great addition to your CV ! Expand your (LinkedIn) network abroad Honours star course (for those enrolled) Proximity to ‘live’ Professional Practice FUN !

16 Where shall we go today ? What’s in it for me: recognition ?
Publication of the COIL project outcome to the State University of New York (SUNY) COIL Centre and inclusion in future SUNY international conferences and the COIL network and training programme Presentation of the project at ICM and/or wide institution training and staff/management meetings Other publicity around the progress accomplished including inclusion in university and other publications, incorporation into taught courses, and case histories for use by future course participants Possibility of use of collateral in the formal marketing of the study abroad opportunity by the respective university marketing departments and/or those responsible for study abroad programmes

17 Where shall we go today ? Questions….

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