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Placard Review Thursday 3/7.

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1 Placard Review Thursday 3/7

2 Do Now Take out homework and stamp sheet!
With your shoulder partner, discuss your answers to the homework questions: What was the role of the manor in a feudal society? Based on the illustration, what measures were taken to protect those who lived on the manor? Why might peasants and serfs have been willing to do almost anything to attain “a better life after death”?

3 Objective: you will review the Feudal and Manorial systems through a placard activity to better understand the roles of Knights, Nobles, the Manor and Castles Standard: A. Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in world history.

4 Placard Activity -Take out your notes from Tuesday and Wednesday
-Read the placard with your group -Add any new information to your worksheet -Pass the placard to the next group when instructed

5 Index Card Activity -Pick an index card -There is a term on each card
-Describe the term and list two facts about that term using PEDKaP. 3 sentences!!! -Think about… What do they do/ what are their responsibilities? What place to they have in society? Where are they on the pyramid? Etc. -Guessing Game

6 Placards

7 The Manor Lands were divided into farming communities called manors.
The noble chose officials to run his manor: The seneschal visited each fief regularly. The bailiff made sure the peasants worked hard in the fields. Manors were isolated and forced to produce food, clothing, shelter and tools by themselves.

8 The Manor Two groups of peasants worked on the manor:
The freemen were peasants who paid the noble for the right to farm land. They could move from place to place. The serfs were a noble’s property. They could not move, own property or marry without the noble’s permission. They worked long hours; spending 3 days working the lord’s land and giving him part of their own crops. They used the three-field system and heavy iron plows.

9 Knights Knights were armed soldiers on horseback.
They followed the code of chivalry. The were expected to: Obey the lord Show bravery Respect women Honor the Church Help people

10 Knighthood Steps to knighthood:
At 7, a page helped knights care for their armor and destriers. At 15, a squire was put under the care of a single knight and went with him to battle. At a special ceremony, the young man was dubbed and pronounce a knight. Knights trained for war in tournaments. The most popular event was the joust. The cost was high: men and horses were wounded, lances, swords and suits of armor were damaged, and the noble who sponsored the event had to feed many people.

11 1 The knight’s iron helmet was tapered to deflect blows
1 The knight’s iron helmet was tapered to deflect blows. Pads were worn underneath the helmet to steady it on the knight’s head. 2 The bevor was a metal plate that protected the lower part of the face that was left exposed by the helmet. 5 The knight’s shoulders, arms, and hands were protected by four different pieces of armor: The pauldron was a shoulder plate fit over the breastplate. The vambrace were arm guards that protected the upper and lower arms. The coulter were elbow guards. The gauntlet provided plate armor protection on the outside of the hand. Leather gloves were worn underneath so the knight could keep hold of his weapons. 3 The cuirass, or breast and back plate provided essential protection. Straps at the waist and shoulders connected the breastplate to the back panel. 4 The mail skirt protects the knight’s groin and makes movement easier. It was a tight net of riveted metal links. 6 A horse was the knight’s most important purchase. One might cost as much as a year’s income. The warhorse was called a destrier. Horses often wore cloth coverings decorated with the knight’s coat of arms.

12 Attend the lord’s court
Nobles Nobles began collecting taxes and enforcing laws. They gave peasants protection in return for their promise to work for them in the fields. Nobles were both lords and vassals. The lord promised to protect his vassal from enemy attacks. Vassal’s duties: Help the lord in battle Make payments to the lord. Attend the lord’s court

13 Nobles Noblewomen were called ladies.
Their marriages were planned and her family gave the groom a dowry. They helped run the estate when the lord was away. Her main duties were to raise children, take care of the household and care for the sick with her knowledge of plants and herbs. Noblemen looked after their estate, went hunting and fishing, and held court. They played chess and were entertained by minstrels singing and playing music.

14 The Nobility Nobles lived in wooden farmhouses surrounded by palisades. The earliest form of castles were motte and bailey castles All activities took place in one room with a high ceiling and straw-covered floor. Castles were designed as fortresses. The noble’s servants, officials and family lived there. It contained enough space to store a supply of food and water for as long as six months.

15 Castles

16 Definitions: The Parts of a Medieval Castle
Moat: a defensive ditch dug around the castle. It could be filled with water and there as typically a drawbridge across it to get to the castle gate. Keep: a large tower and the last place of defense in a castle. Curtain Wall: the wall around the castle which had a walkway on it from which defenders could fire arrows down onto attackers. Arrow loops: slits cut into the walls that allowed archers to shoot arrows at attackers, but remain safe from return fire Gatehouse: was built at the gate to help reinforce the castle defenses at its weakest point Battlements: were at the tops of castle walls. They were cut out from walls allowing defenders to attack while still being protected by the wall. Bailey: an enclosed courtyard/open space that was protected by a ditch and a palisade. Great Hall: major building inside the walls of a castle that was used for entertainment, dining, and trials.

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