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How was your school trip?

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Presentation on theme: "How was your school trip?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How was your school trip?
Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section A 1 1a-2c

2 Learning aims Learn the new words
milk, cow, horse, feed, farmer, quite, anything, grow, farm, pick, excellent, countryside 2. Learn how to tak about past events.

3 What did you do last sunday?
I milked a cow last Sunday.

4 What did they do last sunday?
They picked some strawberries last Sunday.

5 What did she do last sunday?
She fed chickens

6 What did she do last sunday?
took photos rode a horse

7 Past 过去 Present 现在 rode a horse fed chickens did homework
went to the movie picked strawberries milked a cow ride a horse feed chickens do homework go to the movie pick strawberries milk a cow

8 1a Match the phrases with the pictures.
went for a walk milked a cow rode a horse fed chickens talked with a farmer took some photos e b a c f d

9 What did she do in Picture a?

10 Learning guide 1 (3 minutes)
1b Listen and circle the three things Carol did on her school trip in 1a by yourself. went for a walk milked a cow rode a horse fed chickens talked with a farmer took some photos

11 Learning guide 2 (3 minutes) 2a Listen and check the questions you
hear by yourself. What did the farmer say? Did you grow any apples? What did you see? Do they grow apples? Did you learn anything? Did you eat them? Did you ask him any questions? Were they good?

12 2b Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.
1 The farmer showed Carol around the farm. T F 2 Carol learned a lot about farming. T F 3 The farmers grow strawberries from December to June T F 4 The farmers don’t grow apples. T F 5 Carol picked some strawberries and took them home T F

13 2c Ask and answer questions about
Carol’s visit to the farm. A: What did Carol do? B: She picked some strawberries. A: Was the farmer friendly? B: A: What did Carol see?

14 Let’s play a game!

15 What did you do for your mother last sunday?

16 No one can back yesterday.
昨日不复来 All time is no time when it is past. 光阴一去不复返


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