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Warm Up In your notebooks

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1 Warm Up In your notebooks
Name one of the 4 categories of food borne microorganisms. What temperature should your refrigerator be set below? What is the easiest way to prevent food borne illness when preparing foods?

2 Food Safety & Sanitation
Food-Borne Illnesses

3 Categories of Foodborne Microorganisms
Bacterias Salmonella Perfringens Staphylococcus Botulism Camphylobacter Enterovirulents E.coli 0157:H7 Parasites Trichinosis Viruses Hepatitis Rotavirus Copy down the bolded terms in notebook. Enterovirulent bacteria interact with the epithelial polarized cells lining the intestinal barrier, and some invade the cells. Hand out Common Foodborne Microorganisms worksheet. Glue into notebooks. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

4 Temperature Danger Zone
40°  to 140°F Refrigerator set below 40° F Freezer set at -10° to -20° F Never leave food out of fridge for more than 2 hours.  

5 Preventing Foodborne Illness
In your notebooks, draw the graph with the title and content.

6 Public Service Announcement Flyer
Example of a PSA. This one is very basic and does NOT include all of the required information that you need on your flyer. It is a good example of a creative, catchy flyer.

7 Food Poisoning PSA Flyer
Create a Public Service Announcement Flyer about your assigned bacteria/virus/parasite. Go to ,,, or to research Include: Sources of the pathogen Symptoms Incubation Period Duration of Illness What Can you do to treat the illness? How can you prevent the illness? Include a picture of the bacteria/virus/parasite Cite resources on the back (web address ok)

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