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Intro Video. Intro Video Digging for the Truth.

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2 Intro Video

3 Digging for the Truth



6 For each of the following exhibits… Write the exhibit name
Instructions For each of the following exhibits… Write the exhibit name Then copy and complete the following sentences. I think it is a ____________ because _______________________. This tells me the Mayans _____________________________.

7 Exhibit A: Unknown Structure

8 Exhibit b: Unknown tool
You walk into the temple and nearly trip. You look down into the slightly darkened room and see what appears to be some sort of tool.

9 Exhibit c: Wheels? You look up to the rear wall where the sun is shining through the doorway. It seems to perfectly light up some strange wheels hanging on the wall. (after) To your right you see a staircase, you decide to follow down into the building.

10 Exhibit d: Mural Before long the sun cannot reach you and you find yourself in total darkness. You decide now would be a good time to turn on your flashlight. This is certainly disturbing but you’ve come this far so you can’t stop now. You go deeper into the structure.

11 Exhibit E: Stone Tablet
The stairs end and you feel like you are now deep underground. There is a small room with a stone box in the middle of it. You walk over the box and look at it’s lid. Excitement, and you admit to yourself a little fear, grips you as you decide to slide the massive tablet off and look inside the box.

12 Exhibit F: Skull You reach down to pick up the mask and see…

13 What Does it All Mean? Write one paragraph describing what these 6 exhibits tell you about the Mayans.

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