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Task Force 4: Cultural Practices and Social Aspects

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Presentation on theme: "Task Force 4: Cultural Practices and Social Aspects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Force 4: Cultural Practices and Social Aspects
Amsterdam December 20, 2009

2 Methodological Inventory A proposal
Vladimír Bína Pauwhof 180 2289 BM Rijswijk, The Netherlands Phone: Mobile:

3 Methodological aspects
General issues Kind of sample Kind of sampling Data collection Weighting and estimation Questionnaire

4 General Issues Population or Time use survey?
Dedicated survey, survey on leisure activities, general social survey, a module in another survey? Survey period? Periodicity of the survey?

5 Kind of sampling A new sample? A panel? Survey frame
Sample size; preset or not? Age limits sampling unit sample design i.e. simple random, multistage, stratified etc

6 Data collection mode Face-to-face, telephone, Internet?
CAPI, CATI, PAPI etc? response rate

7 Weighting and estimation
Which demographic variables were used for weighting?

8 Questionnaire Exact phrasing of the questions in English (alternatively in French, German or Czech)

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