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Candid Camera Video

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1 Candid Camera Video

2 Miss Forlow AP Psych September 26, 2013
Pulling the Wool Away from the Sheep’s Eyes: Exploring What Leads to Conformity Miss Forlow AP Psych September 26, 2013

3 Learning Objectives define and give examples of the concept of conformity, including in definition and examples key elements od definition discussed state who Solomon Asch was, describe the type of study he used in studying conformity, and the basic procedure of his conformity experiment recall and cite the findings of Asch’s conformity experiments, including design and results of study list and give examples of the seven factors strengthen conformity. define the two types of social influence, normative and informative, and explain and identify the difference between the two types of influence in terms of perceived benefits gained/ detriments avoided each type confers analyze, identify, and apply the seven factors that increase conformity and role of normative and/or informative social influence in evaluating what leads to conformity if given a hypothetical situation drawn generate hypothetical situations in which several of the seven factors that increase conformity are at work and either the normative and/or informative social influence is evident in leading a person to conform.

4 Conformity Def: adjusting your behavior/thinking to coincide with group standard (Myers 691) Example: irony anti- conformist hippies 1960s-70s, dressed similarly/ similar hairstyles, drug use Other examples from your life?

5 Asch’s Line Experiment Video
Based on definition of conformity, where is the phenomenon present? Why/by what is/are particpant(s) motivated to conform? How do those who are conforming seem to feel about doing so? How do you know?

6 Solomon Asch’s Conformity Study (1955) (Myers p. 691-2)
study was posed about “visual perception” was really meant to study conformity one participant placed in a room five confederates, Each asked identify aloud out of a set of three lines shown which one identical to a separate reference line

7 Solomon Asch’s Conformity Con’t
the first two trials, confederates correctly identify line from group is identical reference line starting on the third trial confederates all answer incorrectly even though obvious which is match causes the participant choose respond with the same incorrect response as group members (i.e. conform), or respond by citing the correct matching line

8 ASCh’s Results (Myers p. 692)
found participants answer questions on own less than 1% overall incorrect answers asked to answer same questions the in confederates who gave incorrect answers responded incorrectly with same incorrect answer more than one-third of the trials

9 7 Conditions that Strengthen Conformity (Myers p. 692)
Gleaned from Asch’s experiment and later experiments conducted by Asch and others using the 1955 experiment as model are several factors strengthen conformity: 1.) made to feel incompetent or insecure 2.) the group has at least 3 people, 3.) the group is unanimous (just one other increases social courage) 4.) admiration for group’s status and attractiveness 5.) no prior commitment to any response, 6.) group members observe behavior, 7.) one’s culture strongly encourages respect for social standards

10 Reasons For Conforming (Myers p. 692-3)
Social influence Humans tend to go with group Two kinds influence leading to go with group 1.) normative social influence: 2.) informative social influence

11 Normative Social Influence
results desire gain others’ approval/ avoid their disapproval encourages to conform to social norm because human beings’ innate desire belong and be accepted Example: Checking Smartphone

12 informative social influence
results from willingness to internalize other persons’ “opinions about reality” (Myers 693) encourages person to conform to social norm because human tendency want to be right and assumption “groups may provide valuable information” (Myers 693) Example: Roller Coaster Line

13 Conformity Scenarios For all three of the following scenarios identify with your small group: 1.) Which strengthening factors are present and how you know this 2.) What type of social influence (e.g. normative or informative) is motivating the person conforming

14 Conformity Scenario #1: Cady
Cady is new at school, extremely shy, and unsure about whether or not she will fit in with her peers. She thinks the three girls that the kids at school call “The Plastics” are very pretty, and she would like to be popular like them; trying to gain their approval and avoid them thinking she’s weird, she begins to wear all pink like they do and goes diet as them. Which strengthening factors are present and how do you know this? What type of social influence is motivating the person conforming?

15 Conformity Scenario #2: Tim
It’s the first day of school and Tim doesn’t know where his AP Calc class is meeting; he sees a two of his classmates from the Honors Precalc class he was in last year who seem stop to tell him they have AP Calc now with the same teacher as he does. He decides that since they are two of the smartest kids in the school they must know where the class is, so he follows them down the hall. Which strengthening factors are present and how do you know this? What type of social influence is motivating the person conforming and what information suggest this?

16 Updike’s “A & P” Published 1962 in Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories
Many critics agree story is pros/cons backlash versus American commercialism and conformity “Sammy reveals through his descriptions of the store and its customers that implicit set of values which will ultimately set him against community mores” (Porter 1155).

17 “A & P” Passages For #1-5 Respond to Questions:
1.) Who/what is conforming? What are they doing? 2.) Which strengthening factors are present and how do you know this? 3.) What type of social influence (e.g. normative or informative) is motivating the person to conform? What information in the passage? For #6 Respond to Question: 1.) What kind of social influence is implied to be at work at the end of this piece? How do you know this based on the consequences Sammy faces for not conforming?

18 Conformity Scenario Assignment
Begin in class today Due tomorrow Instructions on Prompt

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