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Neuse River Basin – Hydrologic Model Update

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1 Neuse River Basin – Hydrologic Model Update
Brian J. McCrodden Casey Caldwell Steven Nebiker March 25, 2009

2 Agenda Project status Model overview Inflow development Calibration
Preliminary model results Eno River system Falls Lake Durham Remaining steps 2 2

3 Project Status Two-year effort, initially projected to be complete by Feb. 2010 Project now 90% complete in terms of deliverables Remaining project components Finalize calibration and operating rules (if deemed necessary) Install model on DWR server to provide stakeholder access Provide documentation Conduct training 3

4 Intended Uses of Model Evaluation of: Alternative operating protocols
Model Overview Evaluation of: Alternative operating protocols Combined effects of water supply plans Interbasin transfer permit applications Development of individual water supply plans Platform for risk-based drought plans, starting with Falls Lake Not intended for real-time flood control 4

5 Geographic Scope of Model
Model Overview 5 5

6 Upper Basin Model Overview 6 6

7 Middle Basin Model Overview
Added all Crabtree Creek impoundments to improve calibration with downstream flow gage 7 7

8 Lower Basin Model Overview Inflow from node 700 upstream 8 8

9 Inflow Development Develop daily inflow record from 1930 to present
Captures extreme drought event of 2007 Adjust gage flows for upstream impairments Lake operations Water withdrawals (municipal, industrial, agricultural) Wastewater returns Unimpaired inflows required if system is to be operated differently than in the past Inflow data set ensures monthly unimpaired gage flow is preserved Assumes error is embedded in the impairment data 9 9

10 Agricultural Demand Historic time series developed by county
Inflow Development Historic time series developed by county Basin delineated into sub-basins based on inflow reaches Agricultural demand node placed in model for each reach of interest 10 10

11 Neuse Gage Timeline Inflow Development 11

12 Long Term Gages Inflow Development 12 12
Gage is significantly impaired Flat River at Bahama Gage is moderately impaired Eno River at Hillsborough Gage has little to no impairment Neuse River nr Clayton Little River nr Princeton Middle Creek nr Clayton Contentnea Creek nr Hookerton Neuse River nr Goldsboro Neuse River at Kinston 12 12

13 Long Term Gages Inflow Development 13 13
Gage is significantly impaired Flat River at Bahama (115, 0.05) Gage is moderately impaired Eno River at Hillsborough (44, 1.6) Gage has little to no impairment Water Year 2007 statistics: (Avg. cfs, 7 day min avg. cfs) Neuse River nr Clayton (994, 223) Little River nr Princeton (176, 0.01) Middle Creek nr Clayton (90, 6.6) Contentnea Creek nr Hookerton (735, 35) Neuse River nr Goldsboro (2196, 226) Neuse River at Kinston (2710, 303) 13 13

14 Model Nodes with Inflows ( Reservoirs and Gages)
Inflow Development 010 Upstream Pond 050 WFER 060 Lake Orange 200 Little River Reservoir 250 Lake Holt 140 Lake Michie 740 Little River Reservoir (Raleigh Proposed) 080 Corp. Lake 270 Lake Rogers 100 Lake Ben Johnston 230 Beaverdam Lake 110 Hillsborough Eno Gage 115 Durham Eno Gage 300 Falls Lake 290 Wake Forest Lake Needed for Eno Capacity Use requirements 750 Little River nr Princeton Gage Needed for Teer Quarry withdrawal 500 Buckhorn Reservoir 400 Lake Crabtree 630 Clayton Gage 445 Lake Johnson 450 Lake Raleigh 780 Goldsboro Gage 560 Contentnea at Hookerton Gage 420 Lake Wheeler 440 Lake Benson 800 Kinston Gage 900 – No gage here but inflows needed for the Weyerhauser intake. Note downstream gages are tidally influenced 480 Middle Creek gage 14 14

15 Overview of Basin-wide Impairments
Inflow Development 15 15

16 Usable Storage Comparison
Inflow Development * * Falls Lake volume includes Beaverdam sub-impoundment 16 16

17 Usable Storage Comparison – Excluding Falls Lake
Inflow Development 17 17

18 Usable Storage Comparison
Inflow Development 18 18

19 Basin Demand and WW Return Overview
Inflow Development 2004 Data * ** * Includes Raleigh WW return through Neuse River and Little Creek WWTPs ** Johnston Co. demand includes Clayton; WW return includes Clayton WWTP; Smithfield WW returned through Johnston Co. WWTP 19 19

20 Basin WW Return Comparison
Inflow Development 2004 Data Not associated with water supply withdrawals * * Falls Lake volume includes Beaverdam sub-impoundment 20 20

21 Agricultural Demand by County
Inflow Development 2004 Data 21 21

22 Unimpaired Gage Flow Examples
Inflow Development Hillsborough gage (October 2007) Gage flow = 4.5 cfs Total impairment upstream (mainly decrease in storage in Lake Orange and West Fork Eno Reservoir) = -2.5 cfs Unimpaired gage flow = 2.0 cfs Clayton gage (April 2008) Gage flow = 1080 cfs Total impairment upstream (mainly increase in Falls Lake storage) = 703 cfs Unimpaired gage flow = 1783 cfs 22 22

23 Unimpaired Gain Inflow Development Since unimpaired flow at gage is forced to match historic flow, gain between two gages also matches historic 23 23

24 Spreadsheet Showing Gage Unimpairment
Inflow Development 24 24

25 Daily Inflow Estimation
Inflow Development Since impairment data are often only available monthly, daily variation preserved by using locally unimpaired gage Goal: to develop a representative set of daily inflows while preserving monthly unimpaired gage flow as “ground truth” 25 25

26 Inflow Record Extends from January 1930 to April 2008
Inflow Development Extends from January 1930 to April 2008 Fill in missing gage records based on correlations with other gages Model equipped with inflow update provision Since impairment data are time-consuming and costly to collect, data collection anticipated only every 5 years In meantime, to generate real-time forecasts, use provisional inflow development approach to update inflows through present day User only needs to input gage data and major impairment data (like Falls change in storage) 26 26

27 Calibration Required to test accuracy of inflow estimates
Possible for reservoirs where historic operating data and/or gage flow data are available Focus on Eno River, Durham, and Falls More calibration results shown in appendix 27 27

28 Eno River West Fork Eno Reservoir
Calibration West Fork Eno Reservoir Lake level and release data available since 2001 (but not always daily) Calibration run: use estimated inflows, match release, and compare computed and historic storage For inflows, use drainage-area adjustment of unimpaired Hillsborough gage Unimpaired monthly, disaggregated to daily with Flat River 28 28

29 West Fork Eno Reservoir
Calibration Dead storage 29 29

30 Eno River Lake Orange Lake level data available since 2001
Calibration Lake Orange Lake level data available since 2001 Release data not available Calibration run: use estimated inflows, incorporate operating policies based on Capacity Use Area Rules, and compare computed and historic storage Results shown at previous TRC meeting showed poor agreement Very sensitive to release policy Influenced to some degree by inflows from upstream agricultural ponds 30 30

31 Lake Orange (Without Adjustments)
Calibration Dead storage 31 31

32 Adjustments Added agricultural pond upstream
Calibration Added agricultural pond upstream Uses cumulative storage of all ponds upstream based on Ken Terlep’s estimates Release policy Most of Hillsborough demand is during 8 hour periods, 5 days a week During these periods, releases from Orange must be 2.4 times higher than the weekly average to meet instantaneous instream flow requirements Factor = [( 5 “peak days” * 3) + (2 ”normal days” * 1 ) ] / 7 total days = 2.4 32 32

33 Lake Orange (With Adjustments)
Calibration Dead storage 33 33

34 Eno River Hillsborough gage flow
Calibration Hillsborough gage flow Simulate upstream lake operations based on Capacity Use Area Rules (see Appendix) Compare computed and historic gage flows 34 34

35 Hillsborough Gage Calibration 35 35

36 Durham Operating data available since 2000
Calibration Operating data available since 2000 Data on flows between reservoirs and treatment plants was often challenging to compile Calibration run: use estimated inflows, match release, and compare computed and historic storage For inflows, use daily drainage-area adjusted Flat River and Little River gage flows 36 36

37 Lake Michie Calibration Dead storage 37 37

38 Little River Calibration Dead storage 38 38

39 Lake Michie and Little River
Calibration Dead storage 39 39

40 Falls/Beaverdam Calibration Each project is modeled explicitly so it can be evaluated independently Operating data for Falls available since project inception (1981); data for Beaverdam available since 2000 Calibration run: use estimated inflows, match release, and compare computed and historic elevation and storage For inflows, back-calculate from change in storage and release 40 40

41 Water Supply and Water Quality Pool Accounting
Calibration Used Corps’ spreadsheet (developed by Terry Brown) as guidance Corps’ calculation of Falls storage accounts includes Beaverdam accounts when elevation >= 249 feet OASIS model breaks out storage accounts by project Total storage = 106,322 acre feet (af) WQ = 61,322 af WS = 45,000 af Elev (top of conservation pool) Falls Elev.249 Beaverdam 101,705 af WQ/WS 4617 af WQ/WS + 58,659 af WQ (58%) 2663 af WQ (58%) 1954 af WS (42%) 43,046 af WS (42%) Elev (bottom of conservation pool) 41 41

42 Beaverdam Calibration 42 42

43 Beaverdam WQ Storage Calibration 43 43

44 Beaverdam WS Storage Calibration 44 44

45 Falls Lake Calibration 45 45

46 Falls Lake WQ Storage Calibration
Note: Differences due to minor adjustments to Corps’ WQ accounting 46 46

47 Falls Lake WS Storage Calibration
Note: Differences due to minor adjustments to Corps’ WS accounting 47 47

48 Falls Lake (for full period of operation)
Calibration Note: Beaverdam data not available pre-2000, so estimated inflows to Beaverdam (which affect Falls elevation) are slightly different than those from the Corps for that period 48 48

49 Falls/Beaverdam Calibration run, but not matching historic releases
Use estimated inflows (back-calculated) Incorporate nominal Corps operating protocols Rule curve Minimum Falls release (100 cfs from April to October, 60 cfs otherwise) Minimum flow at Clayton (254 cfs from April to October, 184 cfs otherwise) Drought management (specifying releases from Beaverdam) Flood control rules controlling lake levels and downstream flows Use historic Raleigh withdrawals Compare computed and historic elevation, storage, and downstream flows 49 49

50 Falls Lake Calibration
Note: Simulation run uses current Falls rule curve adopted in 2000, resulting in some disagreement before then 50 50

51 Falls Outflow Calibration
Note: Simulation run meets Falls minimum release exactly because model has perfect foresight of inflows 51 51

52 Clayton Flow Calibration
Note: Simulation run meets Clayton target exactly because model has perfect foresight of inflows 52 52

53 Clayton Gage Flow Calibration
Note: Simulation run tries to limit Clayton flow to approximately 5300 cfs to prevent flooding. With perfect foresight, model will achieve that unless local inflow is too high. 53 53

54 Falls/Beaverdam WQ Accounting (Total Storage)
Calibration 54 54

55 Falls/Beaverdam WS Accounting (Total Storage)
Calibration 55 55

56 Crabtree Calibration Calibration 56 56

57 Preliminary Model Results
Calibrations suggest that inflow estimates and operating protocols are properly captured Using that information, simulate the system for full hydrologic record (1930 to present) Focus on Eno River reservoirs, Durham reservoirs, and Falls Use year 2004 demands and monthly demand patterns (and wastewater patterns, if significant) as starting point Patterns need to be scrutinized (see next few slides) Demonstrate real-time forecasting capability 57 57

58 Basin Demand Patterns 2004 * ** 58 58

59 Raleigh Demand Patterns 2002 – 2007
* ** 59 59

60 Raleigh WW Return Patterns 2002 – 2007
* ** 60 60

61 Lake Orange Dead storage 61 61

62 West Fork Eno Reservoir
Dead storage 62 62

63 Durham Dead storage 63 63

64 Falls Lake 64 64

65 Falls Lake 65 65

66 Next Steps Lake Rogers elevation-storage-area curve, operating policy?
Review monthly patterns for demand and WW return To use inflow update, need access to gage flow data and select reservoir and demand data Falls and Beaverdam WQ/WS storage Elevations for West Fork Eno Res, Lake Orange, Lake Michie, Little River Res, Falls and Beaverdam Lakes Demand for Hillsborough, Durham Wastewater return (Middle Creek) for Cary Representative precipitation gage for basin Drought plan for Falls & Beaverdam Demand and pattern for Neuse Regional WASA 66 66

67 Questions?

68 Durham Projections Dead storage 68 68

69 Durham Projections Dead storage 69 69

70 Falls Lake Projections
70 70

71 Falls Lake Projections
71 71

72 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
72 72

73 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
73 73

74 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
74 74

75 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
75 75

76 Durham Projections Dead storage 76 76

77 Falls Lake Projections
77 77

78 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
78 78

79 Falls/Beaverdam Projections
79 79

80 Appendix Additional calibration results
Eno River Capacity Use Area Rules 80 80

81 Additional Calibration Results
81 81

82 Buckhorn Calibration Likely due to unrecorded upstream effects of beaver dams 82 82

83 Lake Holt Calibration – Inflows from Little River
83 83

84 Knap of Reeds Creek flows – Inflows from Little River
Calibration 84 84

85 Knap of Reeds Creek flows – Inflows from Little River
Calibration 85 85

86 Swift Creek Calibration – Using area adjusted Swift Creek nr Apex flows
Other smaller discrepancies due to only having monthly averages of releases to match for calibration Same discrepancy as previously discussed; due to issues with initial impoundment of reservoir (fixing leaks, etc) 86 86

87 Lake Wheeler Inflows Calibration

88 Eno River Capacity Use Area Rules
88 88

89 Lake Orange Minimum Release Policy
89 89

90 West Fork Eno Reservoir Minimum Release Policy
Greater of A or B: A. Flow Releases (CFS): Tier 1 (100%-60%, ft) Tier 2 (60%-40%, ft) Tier 3 (40%-0%, ft) Month Habitat Maint. Flow Augm. Total Release January 3.5 1.9 0.1 0.9 1.0 February March April 4.0 2.2 0.2 0.8 May 3.0 1.6 June 1.8 July 1.4 August 0.6 0.4 September October November December 2.6 1.3 B. 90 90

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