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Welcome! October 31st, 2017 Tuesday

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1 Welcome! October 31st, 2017 Tuesday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Tuesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to guess the meaning of the word. Make sure you explain your thinking! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Read the following sentence and guess the meaning of the word usurp based on the context.
Since Rachel could not attend the prom, Ashley had plans to usurp the title of prom queen. To usurp is to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force. © Presto Plans

3 Journal Heading At the top of your paper, you need: Your name 10/19/16
CP10 American Lit/Block “Calvin and Hobbes”

4 Transcendentalism in calvin and hobbes
Though Transcendentalism originated in the 1800s, it still has a huge influence in many modern works. One of these works include Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes, an award-winning comic strip about a young boy (Calvin) and his imaginary tiger friend (Hobbes). Calvin and Hobbes are modern transcendentalists - nature-loving rebels who constantly questions society’s rules and expectations. For this class period, you’re going to look through various Calvin and Hobbes strips and find one that you think illustrates a Transcendental belief.

5 Transcendentalism in Calvin and Hobbes
Here, Calvin represents the opposite of a Transcendentalist. He wants “riches,” “power,” and “big” things, thinking that they will make him happy. Hobbes, on the other hand, knows better. He knows that taking time to relax in the “big sunny field” and be one with nature is what will make him truly happy, as Calvin realizes in the last panel. This reflects the Transcendentalist belief that nature is a source of truth, beauty, and happiness, while society is the source of corruption.

6 Transcendentalism in Calvin and Hobbes
Look either at the classroom set of books or search google images for “Calvin and Hobbes comics.” Pick a comic strip that you think exemplifies an idea, belief, or tenant from the Transcendentalist time period. If you find your comic from a book, write down the name and page number for #1. If you find your comic from the internet, write down the URL and the name of the website where you found it. (2 points) What is happening in the cartoon? Give a quick summary of the strip in sentences. (4 points) Why do you think that the ideas in this cartoon are Transcendental? You need to use at least one quote or piece of evidence from the comic in your analysis and reference at least one Transcendental idea, value, or belief. Your answer should be at least 5 sentences. (10 points)

7 Creating your own transcendental comic!
For the rest of class, your job is to create your own comic that shows a central value, belief, or idea of Transcendentalism. Your comic should be at least three panels (6 points), fully colored (4 points), and drawn on construction paper – not looseleaf  (2 points). Underneath your comic, you need a paragraph explaining what Transcendentalist belief/value your comic shows. Your explanation should be at least four sentences and use at least one piece of textual evidence from your comic strip (8 points).

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