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Systems, Types & Forms of Government

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Presentation on theme: "Systems, Types & Forms of Government"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems, Types & Forms of Government

2 Systems of Government: describe how power is distributed between the levels of government

3 Confederal

4 Confederation: loose relationship among smaller political units.

5 Federal System

6 Federal System: the central government & state or regional governments share power

7 Unitary System: the central government has all power and delegates to lower levels


9 Unitary System: examples – United Kingdom, France, Italy

10 Parliamentary System: the executive (prime minister, president) is chosen by the legislature


12 Forms or types of Government: ● how governments operate ● who holds the power ● and how they are organized


14 British Government

15 Monarchy: Rule by a King or Queen

16 Democracy: means - Rule by the People

17 Democracy: people hold the power through voting

18 Socialism: governments usually take ownership or control of certain businesses

19 Socialism - examples: China, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Sweden

20 Communism: political, social, economic ideology of “common” ownership of “means of production”

21 Countries with Communist Governments today:

22 Oligarchy: rule by small wealthy group

23 Oligarchy - examples:

24 Autocracy: Rule by One

25 Which system of government shares power between a central & regional government?
Federal System

26 Which system of government does the central government hold all of the power and delegate to local levels? Unitary

27 Which system of government do the local states hold all the power with a weak central government?

28 Which system of government chooses the executive from the legislative branch?

29 Which form of government do the people hold the power?

30 Which form of government is ruled by a king or a queen?

31 Which form of government does the government take over certain businesses to protect the people?

32 Which form of government is one person in charge?

33 Which form of government allows the people to vote on all of the issues?
Direct Democracy

34 Which form of government said the working people should control the "means of production"?

35 Which form of government is power held by a "wealthy few"?

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