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New Constraints on the Squark Mass Matrices of the MSSM

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1 New Constraints on the Squark Mass Matrices of the MSSM
Andreas Crivellin and Ulrich Nierste “Supersymmetric renormalization of the CKM matrix and new constraints on the Squark Mass Matrices of the MSSM” [arXiv:hep-ph/0811XXX] Euroflavour 08, Durham

2 Outline: The SUSY flavour problem and the squark mass matrix
Non-decouling flavour-changing SQCD self-energies CKM renormalization and constraints from a fine-tuning argument Flavour-changing self-energies and FCNC processes (D, Bs, Bd, K mixing and b→sγ) Euroflavour 08, Durham

3 SUSY flavour problem Squark mass matrices are not necessarily diagonal in the same basis as the quark mass matrices Quark-squark-gluino vertex is in general flavour-changing Dangerously large flavour-mixing in FCNC processes because of the strong coupling constant. Euroflavour 08, Durham

4 Helicity flipping, flavour-diagonal, but Ο(1) for large tan(β)
Squark mass matrix Helicity conserving, flavour non-diagonal Helicity flipping and flavour non-diagonal Helicity flipping, flavour-diagonal, but Ο(1) for large tan(β) tan(β)=vu/vd Euroflavour 08, Durham

5 Squark mass matrix is hermitian Parameterization:
In the convention of: F. Gabbiani, E. Gabrielli, A. Masiero and L. Silvestrini, Nucl. Phys. B 477 (1996) 321 [arXiv:hep-ph/ ]. Euroflavour 08, Durham

6 Mass insertion approximation (L. J. Hall, V. A. Kostelecky and S
Mass insertion approximation (L.J. Hall, V.A. Kostelecky and S. Raby, Nucl. Phys. B 267 (1986) 415.) Diagonalize the quark mass matrices: Carry out the same rotation on the squark fields super-CKM basis Render the vertices flavour-diagonal and treat the off-diagonal elements as perturbations. Define dimensionless quantity: Euroflavour 08, Durham

7 Flavour-changing self energy:
Mass insertion approximation Exact diagonalization dimensonless ∑(0)~MSUSY for constant δ Euroflavour 08, Durham

8 Renormalization of the CKM matrix
In the SM: A. Denner and T. Sack, RENORMALIZATION OF THE QUARK MIXING MATRIX, Nucl. Phys. B 347 (1990) 203. Antihermitian correction Euroflavour 08, Durham

9 Constraints from fine tuning
Large accidental cancellations are unlikely and from the theoretical point of view undesirable. Corrections to the CKM matrix should not exceed the experimentally measured values Because of the V-A structure of the W vertex only is directly constrained for j>i Euroflavour 08, Durham

10 Constraints on from Vub
Euroflavour 08, Durham

11 Constraints on from Vub
For large helicity flipping elements, for example mbμ tan(β), also can be constrained. Strongest for : Euroflavour 08, Durham

12 Existing results: FCNC bounds (decoupling):
M. Ciuchini et al. [arXiv:hep-ph/ ] F. Borzumati, C.Greub, T.Hurth and D.Wyler[arXiv:hep-ph/ ] D. Becirevic et al. [arXiv:hep-ph/ ] M. Ciuchini et al. [arXiv:hep-ph/ ] Vacuum stability bounds (non-decoupling): J.A.Casas and S.Dimopoulos, Stability bounds on flavor-violating trilinear soft terms in the MSSM, Phys. Lett. B387 (1996) 107 [arXiv:hep-ph/ ] Euroflavour 08, Durham

13 Results and comparison
quantity our bound bound from FCNC bound from vacuum stability 0.0011 0.006, K mixing 0.001 0.15, Bd mixing 0.005 0.01 0.06, b→sγ 0.05 0.032 0.5, Bd mixing -- 0.0047 0.016, D mixing 0.0012 0.027 0.22 0.27 Bounds calculated with msquark=mgluino=1000GeV Euroflavour 08, Durham

14 Improvement of FCNC analysis nessecary:
Self energies can be of Ο(1) in the flavour conserving case, and have to be resummed. M.S.Carena, D.Garcia, U.Nierste and C.E.M.Wagner, [arXiv:hep-ph/ ]. They are still of Ο(1) in the flavour violating case, when the mixing angle is divided out. Two- or even three-loop processes can be of the same order as the LO process! Euroflavour 08, Durham

15 Effect of including the self energies in ΔF=2 processes
for Euroflavour 08, Durham

16 Allowed range for NP in ΔF=2 processes
Results taken for: UTfit Collaboration: Example: Bs mixing M.Bona et al. [UTfit Collaboration], ``First Evidence of New Physics in b <--> s Transitions,'' [arXiv: hep-ph/ ]. Euroflavour 08, Durham

17 Constraints on (δLR)23 from Bs mixing
Euroflavour 08, Durham

18 Constraints on δLR from D, B, and K mixing
Euroflavour 08, Durham

19 Two-loop effects enter only if also mbμ·tan(β) is large.
b→sγ Two-loop effects enter only if also mbμ·tan(β) is large. Behavior of the branching ratio for Euroflavour 08, Durham

20 Constraints on δ23 from b→sγ
Euroflavour 08, Durham

21 Conclusions Flavour-changing SQCD self-energies lead to antihermitian corrections to the CKM matrix Strong constraints on and are obtained if the absence of accidental cancellations is assumed. Flavour-changing self-energies have to be included in the analysis of FCNC processes and lead to large effects for non-degenerate squark masses The constraints from the CKM renormalization are still stronger than the FCNC bounds for MSUSY≈ 1Tev Soft SUSY breaking as the only source of flavour violation? Euroflavour 08, Durham

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