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Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004

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1 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004
Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Oscar Schiappa-Pietra Executive Director APCI May 2006

2 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 International Cooperation: 2004
Cooperating Sources Cooperation Executors Non Governmental Non Governmental (28%) (54%) 110.2 Millions 210.2 Millions Total Cooperation Multilateral (100%) (15%) 390.0 Millions 60.2 Millions Governmental Governmental (72%) (46%) 279.8 Millions 179.8 Millions Bilateral (57%) 219.6 Millions 28% 72% 54% 46% Governmental Non Governmental Sources Executors Source: Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI 2

3 ? Origin of resources 1994 1998 2004 Governmental Origin 213,688,212
Official Development Assistance Report: Perú International Cooperation Recent Trend 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000 250,000,000 300,000,000 350,000,000 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Governmental Origin Non-Governmental Origin ? Origin of resources 1994 1998 2004 Governmental Origin 213,688,212 296,409,430 279,831,551 Non-Governmental Origin 47,344,203 59,147,436 110,181,041 Total executed 261,032,415 355,556,866 390,012,592 Source: Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI 3

4 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 The Role of NGOs
198 Foreign NGOs 45% 56% NGOs FoNGOs Status: Active Status: Suspended Source: Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI 4

5 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Cooperation 2004 – According to MDGs
Source: Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid- APCI 5

6 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú Is the cooperation really focused on Extreme Poverty? Source: INEI, Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation - APCI 6

7 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Cooperation 2004 – According to destination sector
Official Cooperation Non-Governmental Cooperation ITC Total Management Sector Amount (US$) %/total Amount (US$) %/total Amount (US$) %/total Multisectorial 111,401,352 39.8% 15,411,117 14.0% 126,812,469 32.5% Women and Social Development 31,064,189 11.1% 27,681,512 25.1% 58,745,701 15.1% Health 24,523,295 8.8% 24,067,174 21.8% 48,590,469 12.5% Agriculture 27,892,300 10.0% 15,254,014 13.8% 43,146,314 11.1% Education 14,005,417 5.0% 12,352,562 11.2% 26,357,979 6.8% Justice 15,375,824 5.5% 1,598,412 1.5% 16,974,236 4.4% Economics / Finances 8,855,683 3.2% 126,927 0.1% 8,982,610 2.3% Housing / Construction 6,814,841 2.4% 1,430,844 1.3% 8,245,685 2.1% Energy / Mining 6,789,046 2.4% 914,858 0.8% 7,703,904 2.0% Work / Social Promotion 2,822,867 1.0% 3,987,333 3.6% 6,810,200 1.7% Production 3,399,553 1.2% 2,627,479 2.4% 6,027,032 1.5% External Relations 5,551,858 2.0% 0.0% 5,551,858 1.4% Transportation 3,746,895 1.3% 352,758 0.3% 4,099,653 1.1% Trade and Tourism 1,632,157 0.6% 12,235 0.0% 1,644,392 0.4% Others 15,956,275 5.7% 4,363,816 4.0% 20,320,091 5.2% Total Executed 279,831,551 100.0% 110,181,041 100.0% 390,012,592 100.0% Source: Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI 7

8 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Other trends
Less donors Some bilateral sources (Netherlands, United Kingdom, Finland) have suspended their operations at Peru. This is directly related to Peru´s classification as a low-middle-income country Projects Atomization The number of projects grew from 703 in 1994 to 1,011 in 1998 and reached 1,724 in 2004. The average budget per project decreased from US$ 371,000 in 1994 to US$ 225,000 in 2004. 8

9 Good practices in cooperation
Official Development Assistance Report: Perú Towards a National Cooperation Strategy APCI Cooperation Demand The Document Common Country Vision Strategic Priorities Good practices in cooperation A partir de 2002: Crecimiento sostenido, a diferencia de economías desarrolladas (EU, UE, Japón). Hemos podido resistir mejor los embates de las crisis internacionales recientes. Sin embargo, aún por debajo de otros “pares”, tales como Chile. A nivel global, estamos cerca de África, pero crecemos más lentamente que el promedio de los países emergentes y en desarrollo. Mientras tanto, China sigue siendo una locomotora importante del crecimiento global. Donors Forum Cooperation Supply 9

10 Strategic Priorities for National Development
Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI Strategic Priorities for National Development Eliminate exclusion and discrimination Support the descentralization iniciative Science and Technology Source: Integrated Matrix of National Policies (APCI) Sustainable development and environment protection National integration into world markets Small enterprise and Fair working opportunities for every person Democratic government, transparent and efficient public sector Universal access to justice and peace Health and nutrition Universal access to quality education Universal access to water, sanitation, basic services and infrastructure Protect the human capital at extreme risk APCI – Policies and Programs Unit

11 Methodology used to prepare the International Cooperation Annual Plan
Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid Methodology used to prepare the International Cooperation Annual Plan

12 Standardized indices relative to world maxima and minima
Official Development Assistance Report: Perú Cooperation demand at the sub-national level: An example Standardized indices relative to world maxima and minima Multi-variable compound indicators Under the diagonal line, education is relatively worse than health Fuente: Banco Mundial, INEI 12

13 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Final remarks
Perú: Competitive Cooperation Partner Efficient use of resources: looking for common procedures Donors forum Strategic Document Develop long-term planning capabilities at the public sector MDGs are not enough A Matrix of Priorities and Policies Transparency 13

14 Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004
Peruvian Agency for International Development Aid - APCI Official Development Assistance Report: Perú 2004 Oscar Schiappa-Pietra Executive Director APCI May 2006

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