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Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe burns and their treatment by analyzing a medical documentary. What is the topic? What will you be doing?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe burns and their treatment by analyzing a medical documentary. What is the topic? What will you be doing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe burns and their treatment by analyzing a medical documentary. What is the topic? What will you be doing? Why is this important? How will you know if you have done well?

2 Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe burns and their treatment by analyzing a medical documentary. What is the topic? Burns and their treatment What will you be doing? Analyzing a medical documentary Why is this important? Understand ourselves, life lessons, future career How will you know if you have done well? Able to describe burns and their treatment

3 Before Video 1. What do you know about burns?

4 During Video Why is burn injury devastating to the body?
How many people are usually hospitalized per year in the US due to burns? How many of these people will die due to their injuries? How is the percentage of burn coverage calculated? Why do you think it is important for doctors to calculate this? Describe a first degree burn. What skin layer(s) are damaged? What is the most common first degree burn? Describe a second degree burn. What skin layer(s) are damaged? What occurs? Describe a third degree burn. What skin layer(s) are damaged? What occurs?

5 During Video Why do they place people with second and third degree burns in a medically induced coma? Why are patients with burns given fluids immediately? Why do you think patients with burns swell so much? How are electrical burns different from thermal burns? Explain the flap graft process. Why would someone need a skin graft? What does skin do? What would happen if we did not have skin? What is the best substitute for the healthy skin that is used for skin grafting? Why is this useful?

6 After video Describe what you understand about burns and their treatment. If you have any questions, please write them in this space.

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