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1 ______________________________
TED Ankara College English Department Name: ___________________ Class: ____ Number:__________ 6TH GRADE 2nd TERM 2nd ENGLISH II Exam REVIEW April/May2015 Write a compound sentence with the connector “so” explaining what you think has happened in each picture. ______________________________ Write a compound sentence with the connector “so” explaining what you think has happened in each picture. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 1

2 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box, then write the letter for the definition of each Word.
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3 3

4 4

5 5

6 Now, for each “Cause and Effect” pair above, write a) a compound sentence using “so” and b) a sentence with a dependent clause using “because”. Use correct punctuation. a)__________________________________________________________________ b)__________________________________________________________________ a)__________________________________________________________________ a)__________________________________________________________________ a)__________________________________________________________________ a)__________________________________________________________________ a)__________________________________________________________________ 6

7 Read the story and fill out the 5 “W” chart below
Too Early to Fly It was a wonderful Spring day at the park. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Even the two young pigeons in their nest high in poplar (kavak) tree were singing. The mother bird had gone to look for food for her babies and the baby birds were exercising their wings, hoping they would be able to fly soon. All of a sudden one of the baby birds lost its balance and tumbled out of the nest! Down, down, down it fell, flapping and squawking. Fortunately, the young bird landed in a soft flower bed. It stood up slowly and began calling out for its mother. Before the mother could get to her baby, however, a man walked by with his dog. The dog ran towards the little bird looking like it might eat it. Just then the mother came and flew between the dog and her baby. The man quickly pulled his dog away from both birds and tied him to another tree about 10 meters from the bird’s nest. He came back to the fallen baby bird, picked it up as the mother watched carefully. As he gently placed the bird back in its nest he said, “You’ve got about the bravest little mother I’ve ever seen. Don’t you ever jump out of that nest again until she tells you that you can fly!” 7

8 Write a story about a young street dog who tries to get a family to take him home. Brainstorm. Write your ideas in the word web below. Use the 5 “W”s to plan your story. Now, on a separate piece of paper, write your story in 8 to 12 sentences. Make sure you explain the 5 “W’s, important events (Rising Action), how the problem is solved (Climax and Resolution) and the Ending. 8






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