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Design Yaodong Bi.

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1 Design Yaodong Bi

2 Introduction to Design
Purposes of Design Acquire a good understanding of issues regarding nonfunctional requirements and constraints Capture requirements for individual subsystems, interfaces, and classes for implementation Decompose implementation work into pieces for different development teams. Create a seamless abstraction of the system’s implementation so the implementation fills in the “meat” with no changes to the structure.

3 Analysis Model and Design Model
Conceptual model Use three conceptual stereotypes of classes Few layers Dynamic, but not on sequencing Fewer Elements Define a structure that is used for shaping the system DESIGN MODEL Physical model Use any number of physical stereotypes of classes Many Layers Dynamic, focus on sequencing More elements (1:5 ratio) Shape the system while trying to preserve the analysis structure

4 Artifacts of Design - Overview
Design model Design classes Use-case realization – design Design subsystems Interfaces Architecture description (view of the design model) Deployment model Architecture description (view of the deployment model)

5 Artifacts – Design Model
Describe the physical realization of use-cases by focusing on how functional and nonfunctional requirements and constraints impact the system Serve as an abstraction of the system’s implementation. Contain design subsystems, design classes, use-case realization-design, interfaces

6 Artifacts – Design Classes
A seamless abstraction of a class in implementation A design class may be given a stereotype that can be seamlessly mapped to a construct in the implementation language (<<form>>, <<class model>>) The language for coding is used to specify design classes The visibility of operations and attributes can be mapped to implementation directly Methods of a design class have a straightforward mapping to implementation of the methods Some requirements may be postponed to implementation as implementation requirements

7 Artifacts – Use-Case Realization
Use-case realization – design Describe how a use-case is realized using design classes and design subsystems Each use-case realization-design can be traced back to the use-case realization – analysis Handle nonfunctional requirements as well as functional requirements of the use case Consist of Class diagrams: participating classes and subsystems Interaction diagrams (sequence diagram): flow of interactions between participating objects Textual flow-of-events description: Implementation requirements

8 Artifacts – Design Subsystem
Design subsystems Subsystems should be loosely coupled and cohesive in each Separate design concerns Top two levels of subsystems can be mapped directly back to packages in analysis model Represent large-grained components in the system’s implementation Represent reused software products Represent legacy systems

9 Artifacts - Interfaces
Specify the operations provided by design classes and subsystems A design class (subsystems) must provide at least one method for each operation of the interface. Operations vs. methods: separate the specification of a function from its implementation Most interfaces between subsystems are architectural significant.

10 Artifacts – Architecture (Design)
Architecture description (view of the design model) Subsystems, their interfaces, and dependencies between them Key design classes including active classes, significant design classes. Use-case realizations – design that realize important and critical functionality that needs to be implemented.

11 Artifacts – Deployment Model
Describe the physical distribution of the system among computational nodes Each node represents a computational resource Describe how nodes are connected together (internet, intranet, bus, etc) May describe multiple configurations including testing and simulation configuration Manifest a mapping between the software architecture and the system (hardware) architecture.

12 Artifacts – Architecture (Deploy.)
Architecture description (view of the deployment model) All aspects of the deployment model should be shown in this description. Include the mappings of components on nodes as found during implementation.

13 Activities of Design - Overview
Architectural Design Outline the design and deployment models and their architecture. Design Use-Cases Use design classes to realize use-cases and specify implementation requirements

14 Activities of Design - Overview
Design Classes Create design classes that fulfill their roles in use-case realizations and the nonfunctional requirements that apply to them. Design Subsystems Ensure loose coupling between subsystems and ensure that they fulfill their purpose in use-case realization

15 Architectural Design - Purpose
Purpose of architectural design Outline the design and deployment models and their architectures by identify the following Nodes and their network connections Subsystems and their interfaces Architecturally significant design classes Generic design mechanisms that handle common requirements on persistency, distribution, performance, etc Various reuse possibilities are considered.

16 Architectural Design - Deployment
Identify nodes and network configurations Network configuration has a major impact on the software architecture. (p234, Fig 9.18) Three-tier architecture, client/server architecture Aspects of network configuration The processing power of each node The connections and protocols between nodes Characteristics of the network: bandwidth, availability, etc Any need for redundant processing power?

17 Architectural Design - Subsystems
Identify subsystems and their interfaces Identify application subsystems (p235, Fig 9.19) Identify subsystems in the application-specific and application-general layers Analysis packages may be designed as subsystems (p235 Fig 9.20) A refinement may be needed to accommodate: (p236 Fig 9.21) Part of an analysis package can be shared by others (P237 Fig 9.22) Parts of an analysis package can be realized with reused software An analysis package does not divide work properly Legacy systems Allocation to the nodes of the deployment model (p238 Fig 9.23)

18 Architectural Design - Subsystems
Identify middleware and system-software subsystems (p238, Fig 9.24, p239, example) Identify DBMS’s, operating systems, compiler, GUI kits Limit the dependency on middleware and system software Define subsystem dependencies (p241 Fig 9.26) Identify subsystem interfaces (p242 Fig 9.27&28) Define operations that are accessible from outside The operations must be provided by classes or other subsystems (recursively)

19 Architectural Design - Classes
Identify architecturally significant design classes Identify design classes from analysis classes Use analysis classes as design classes Use relationships among analysis classes for relationships among design classes A design class that does not participate in any use-case realization is unnecessary. Identify active classes (p245 Fig 9.30) Identify active classes based on performance concern Identify active classes for inter-node communication

20 Architectural Design - Classes
Identify active classes based on requirements like deadlock avoidance, system startup, system termination. Active classes are outlined by considering how their objects communicate, synchronize, and share information. Active objects are allocated to the nodes (p245 Fig 9.30) Processing power and memory of each node Connections between nodes, bandwidth, availability, etc An active object is a candidate for an executable component for implementation

21 Architectural Design – Generic mechanism
Identify generic design mechanisms Handle common requirements like: Persistency (relational DBMS or OODBMS) (p247, top) Transparent object distribution (Java RMI, Corba) (p246) Security features (encryption techniques) Error detection and recovery Transaction management Identify generic collaborations as patterns for multiple use cases (p247, bottom, p248 fig 9.32&33)

22 Design Use Cases – Purpose
Identify participating design classes Describe design object interactions Identity participating subsystems and interfaces Describe subsystem interactions Capture implementation requirements

23 Design Use Cases – Design classes
Identify participating design classes (p251 Fig 9.35) Identify design classes that trace back to analysis classes of the use case Identify design classes that realize special requirements of the use case Use a class diagram to show participating design classes for each use-case realization

24 Design Use Cases – Interactions
Describe design object interactions Use a sequence diagram to describe how they interact with each other to realize each use case Sequence diagram (p252 Fig 9.36) The use case is invoked by an actor Each design class identified for the use case must participate in the diagram Each message may become the name of an operation Use labels and flow-of-events to complement the diagram New alternative paths may be added to handle exceptions like time-out, erroneous inputs, error message from middleware, system software, etc.

25 Design Use Cases – Subsystems
Identity participating subsystems and interfaces Design a use case using subsystems (p254 Fig 9.37) Identify design subsystems that trace back to analysis packages Identify the design classes that are used to realize special requirements of the use case and identify those subsystems that contain those classes Use class diagram to identify dependencies between packages and interfaces of packages (p254 Fig 9.37)

26 Design Use Cases – Sub. Interactions
Describe subsystem interactions Describe how classes’ objects interact with each other on a subsystem level (p254 Fig 9.38) Use sequence diagrams Qualify the message with the interface when a subsystem provides more than one interface Capture implementation requirements Capture all requirements that should be handled in implementation (p255 example)

27 Design Classes - Purpose
Outline the design classes Identify operations Identify attributes Identify associations and aggregations Identify generalizations Describe methods Describe states Handling special requirements

28 Design Classes - Outlining
Outline the design classes Designing boundary classes depends on the specific interface technologies in use Designing persistent entity classes generally imply using a specific database technology, RDBMS, OODBMS, etc Designing control classes: Distribution: if the sequence is distributed among several nodes, separate classes on different nodes may be needed Performance: control classes may be realized by boundary and/or entity classes Transaction: design must encapsulate existing transaction technologies Design classes should be assigned trace dependencies to their corresponding analysis classes

29 Design Classes - Operations
Identify operations (p258 Fig 9.40) Identify the operations of each design class Describe those operations in the programming language Specify the visibility of each operation (public, private, etc) Important inputs: The responsibilities of the parent analysis classes The special requirements of the parent analysis classes The interfaces that the design class must provide Roles the class plays in use-case realizations - design

30 Design Classes - Attributes
Identify attributes Identify attributes for each design class Specify the attributes in the programming language Guidelines: Consider the attributes of the parent analysis class If an attribute is complicated, design it as a class Identify associations and aggregations Instances of associations might be used to hold references to other objects The number of relationships between classes should be minimized.

31 Design Classes - Generalizations
Identify generalizations (p260, Fig 9.41) Generalization should be used with the same semantics as defined in the programming language If the programming language does not support generalization, use association and/or aggregation Describe methods Methods describe how operations are realized They can be specified in natural language or pseudocode They are generally completed during implementation

32 Design Classes - States
Describe states (p261 Fig 9.42) Some objects are state-controlled – their state determines the behavior when they receive a message Use statechart diagram to describe state transition Handling special requirements Handle any requirements that have not been considered yet. Handle those requirements using generic design mechanisms Some requirements may be postponed to implementation as implementation requirements

33 Design Subsystems - Purpose
Maintain the subsystem dependencies Maintain the subsystem interfaces Maintain the subsystem contents

34 Subsystems - Dependencies
Maintain the subsystem dependencies Define dependencies when elements of one subsystem are associated with elements of other subsystems Define dependencies when one subsystem uses the interfaces provided by other subsystems Interface dependency is better than content/element dependencies Minimize the dependencies to other subsystems and/or interfaces

35 Subsystems - Interfaces
Maintain the subsystem interfaces The operations of a subsystem’s interface must support all the roles the subsystem plays in all use-case realizations

36 Subsystems - Contents Maintain the subsystem contents
A subsystem must provide a correct realization of the operations defined in its interfaces Each interface of the subsystem must be realized by design classes and/or subsystems (recursively) (p264, Fig 9.45) Collaborations among the elements of a subsystem may be specified to show how the subsystems interfaces are realized

37 Summary of Design Design Model includes
Design subsystems and service subsystems and their dependencies, interfaces, and contents Design classes, including active classes, and their operations, attributes, relationships and implementation requirements Use-case realization – design Architectural view of the design model

38 Summary of Design Deployment Model includes
Nodes, their characteristics, and connections Initial mapping of active classes onto nodes Architectural view of the deployment model

39 Summary of Design Connection to Implementation
Design subsystems and service subsystems will be implemented by implementation subsystems on a one-to-on basis Design classes will be implemented by file components that contain source Multiple classes may be in one single file component Heavyweight active classes may be mapped to executables Use-case realizations-design will be used for implementation planning, each build may implement a set of use-case realizations Deployment model and network configurations will be used when executable components are distributed to nodes.

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