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Livestock, Bugs, & Plant-Based Diets

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Presentation on theme: "Livestock, Bugs, & Plant-Based Diets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Livestock, Bugs, & Plant-Based Diets

2 How is the livestock industry a threat to sustainability? (DQ1)
Resource intensive Land use, overgrazing, crowded= ↑ disease, soil depletion, pollution, deforestation Water use, pollution Greenhouse gas emissions Economic benefits Crops used for animal feed Inefficient conversion ↑ demand, esp. in GS

3 Push for traditional pastoralism Gov’t policies
What needs to be done to make the livestock industry more sustainable? (DQ1) Push for traditional pastoralism Grass-fed animals ≠ efficient Gov’t policies Dev. more efficient, sust. intensive industry

4 Why should we eat bugs? (DQ4)
Efficiently convert feed into protein Protein-packed Far ↓ resource intense Land, water use; min. emissions Eat food scraps, animal manure= reducing and recycling waste ↓ need for feed crops Steady food supply Some drought resistant Need to use eco-practices for large-scale

5 Why don’t we eat bugs? (Cont.)
Cultural biases Eur. colonization Big ick factor Need to rebrand for appeal Need ↑ research re: safety Need regulatory laws

6 What factors interfere with promoting plant-based diets? (DQ3)
Taste, texture Cultural factors Part of culinary history Holidays Image Social status Hippie diet, militant, fad diet, a phase, etc. Don’t have moral objection

7 What factors interfere with promoting plant-based diets? (cont.)
Env. avoid raising connection Unaware of env. impact Unaware of alt.: white over red, milk over meat, bugs, Meatless Monday, etc.

8 Media, MNCs, talking heads, ads, etc.
What factors interfere with promoting plant-based diets? (cont.) Industry pressure on gov’ts Meat, dairy, egg, fish industry lobbyists, policy makers, etc. Nutritional info Media, MNCs, talking heads, ads, etc.

9 Recap ¤ Livestock dependency unsustainable
Diff. to get people to change ↑ demand Need to change industry Entomophagy great alt., but people say ick! Plant-based diet great alt., but people want meat What will we do? Is the cost worth it?

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