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Survey about attitudes and feelings of our students for their school

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Presentation on theme: "Survey about attitudes and feelings of our students for their school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey about attitudes and feelings of our students for their school
RAPORT Survey about attitudes and feelings of our students for their school

2 The survey was conducted among the students of
Zespół Szkół Nr 1 in Biecz, Poland There were 52 students from the 4th – 6th grades of primary school and 46 students from middle school (the 1st grade and the 2nd grade) Young students (the 1st grade) also took part in the survey. They expressed their feelings and associations connected with school through art.














16 10. Do you have any suggestions to make so that your school gets better? (number of students)
No (24) Yes (74)


18 a). School (the building, equipment, time)
renovate the school (24) bigger gym (17) bigger school and a schoolyard(1) bigger cloakroom (3) change school lockers (4) bigger and more comfortable chairs(1) colourful classrooms (1) better school equipment (15) more interactive whiteboards (6) buy one laptop on the desk(1) buy tablets for students (1) possibility to play at the school pitch at the weekends (9) less classes a day, a week (4) classes only 3 days a week (1) less school days (1) shorten lessons (15) start school later (7) buy new computers, tablets (1) finish school earlier ( at 2 p.m.) (4) longer breaks (16) shorten breaks to go home earlier (3)

19 b). Teachers change the behavior of some teachers (3)
change some teachers as they don’t behave properly (11) teachers should evaluate written works fairly(1) more younger, new teachers(2)

20 c). School curriculum, methods of teaching
change boring methods of teaching teach by using new programmes without lots of coursebooks(1) modernize the coursebooks(1) laptops instead of coursebooks(1) more interesting lessons (1) more school events, discos (2) more fun, games during the lessons(3) more extra classes to develop students’interests (2) more trips (to the theatre, swimming pool, ice skating rink, aqua park, etc.) less homework (2) more school competitions with expensive prizes opportunity to learn playing different musical instruments (1) more P.E. (1) more exams (2) more Music classes(1) less Maths(1) less German(2) less Physics (2)

The survey was conducted among 1st grade students.

22 Let me tell you about my school

23 School means…

24 …friends,

25 laughter, joy, fun…

26 but also my teacher, numbers and learning.

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