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Proper social Etiquette.

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1 Proper social Etiquette

2 What is etiquette? As a literal translation , etiquette simply means a collection of little reminders to help people understand how to behave in various situations… Etiquette ensures that people know what society in general expects; it provides standard rules for appropriate behavior. The purpose of etiquette isn't to put on a show for the benefit of others with appearances and facades. Etiquette involves an attitude of respect and concern toward others to ensure that everyone feels valued and comfortable.

3 Why is etiquette important?
If someone lacks an understanding of basic etiquette, he might feel uncomfortable in social situations. With this discomfort, he might experience embarrassment or timidity that puts him at a disadvantage. With a solid foundation in etiquette and manners, a person can feel strong and confident, even in new or unfamiliar situations. When a person has strong social skills and understands how to treat others respectfully and politely, he can navigate virtually anything.

4 Name some situations where proper etiquette can be beneficial
During meals At parties or social events While having a conversation with a teacher When meeting a new girlfriends parents During an interview Moving to a new neighborhood Starting a new job Many, many, more… Proper etiquette is important in several social situations; the following slides will cover some basics that can be valuable in various circumstances.

5 Traditionally, how should men and women take their seats in a restaurant or at a dinner party?
A-Men remain standing until women are seated. B-Women and men take turns one by one; first a woman sits, then a man. C-Everyone stands and waits for the host to be seated. Then, all sit.

6 A-Men remain standing until women are seated.
"Traditionally, men remain standing until women are seated. This is an especially nice gesture when guests are of different generations, such as grandsons showing courtesy and respect to their grandmothers. Men assist women with their chairs unless the waiter or host does."

7 At meals, when should you start eating?
A-As soon as you are served. B-When the people on either side of you have been served. C-After everyone is served.

8 C-After everyone is served.
"Wait until everyone is served before starting to eat in a private home or restaurant. For family meals, the mother starts first. Guests should wait for the hosts. No one should leave the table until everyone is finished."

9 At the end of the meal, what should you do with your knife and fork to signal that you have finished eating? A-Lay the knife and fork across your plate with the handles at four o'clock. B-Place your utensils next to each other, on the tablecloth, above your plate. C-Position your utensils on your plate so that the knife and fork form an "X".

10 A-Lay the knife and fork across your plate with the handles at four o'clock.
Lay the knife and fork across your plate with the handles at four o'clock (think of a clock face) to signal that you have finished eating.

11 When is it acceptable to put your elbows on the table?
A-Only between courses. B-While you are eating. C-Never.

12 A-Only between courses.
Never say never. Contrary to popular belief, elbows on the table is acceptable between courses or after everyone has finished eating, but never during the meal.

13 Posture at the table Proper posture at the table is very important.
To show that you're alert and engaged, don't slouch. Make sure to sit up straight, with your arms held near your body. Never hang your elbows heavily on the table when at a formal dinner.

14 During the meal you need to visit the restroom. What do you do?
 A-Announce to everyone, "I've gotta go to the toilet."  B-Say, "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back."    C-Say nothing -- just leave.    D-Sit quietly and suffer until the meal is over.

15 B-Say, "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back."
Publicly announcing bodily functions is crass. If you gotta go, you gotta go -- just leave with the minimum amount of fuss. A quiet "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back" is sufficient.

16 Being On Time True or False?
It is important to be on time for school, work, meetings, events, and other social occasions. The obvious answer is True- being late consistently makes you unreliable… says you clearly do not respect other people’s time, only yours. But… When it comes to dinner parties or social gatherings at someone's home, it is common to arrive 5-10 minutes late to be sure the host has had time to get everything set up.

17 How long does it take to form a first impression?
It takes 30 seconds for a person meeting you for the first time to form impressions about you, your character, and abilities. Always be prepared to look and sound your best: You’re always “onstage” Good grooming is essential Smile and make eye contact You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

18 Good grooming and personal hygiene
Job opportunities, relationship possibilities, invitations to social events, and your mental health and self-esteem are all inextricably linked to how you present yourself to the world. Grooming is simply one of those things that there is no excuse not to take time and effort with. Name some basic components of being well groomed and discuss their importance. Hair, teeth, skin, nails, body odor, clothes, shoes, etc…

19 When being introduced to someone should you:
Stand up or remain seated? Stand up Look them in the eye? Always, good eye contact shows confidence and focus. Give a high five, a fist bump, or a firm handshake? A firm handshake A firm handshake conveys confidence, assurance, interest and respect

PAIR-UP AND PRACTICE A PROPER HANDSHAKE Make sure your handshake is firm, not a dead fish grip. However, you don’t want to crush the other person’s hand. Make sure you don’t have food or grease on your hands. You want the person to remember you, not what you ate. If your hands are sweaty, give them a quick nonchalant wipe on your pants. When you offer your hand, look the person in the eye and smile.

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